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Lolth plays Dota 2!

July 15, 2012 by Crysun
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tdude | October 24, 2013 11:51pm
why not rush soul ring by getting ring of basilious you are delaying your abiliy to BE A THREAT by quite a bit you can get sages mask and the recipe for soul ring instead alowing you to get your first core item and you biggest core item with only about 350 g or about 3 waves because you are not going to get all of the last hits
xxblackxxrosexx | December 7, 2012 1:22am
great guide i must say, +1!
TeTSee | November 27, 2012 3:24pm
Nice Brood guide, definately have some good points, and not too many "grammar errors." Well done!

@ dark_fire, i disagree with you saying to avoid vlads completely, it makes your pushes nigh unstoppable by one or even two enemy heroes, putting pressure on the enemy team and giving your team a much easier time to farm or push other lanes. Sure, you don't get the lifesteal yourself because of Bite (I think so, I might be wrong tho :P), but it's a great mid-game item, and Brood is a very mid-game hero. She doesn't carry all that well into late game like an AM, more like an SF- powerful, but limited in terms of any thing but decent damage. I say at least consider getting it, especially with many melee heroes.
killerdeathangel | November 25, 2012 7:55pm
i recommend leveling up web at level 6 and insatiable hunger at 9, cause hunger is only needed when there's a risky gank or you're finding it hard to survive

but the rest is great and awesome item build options
dark_fire | November 3, 2012 2:40pm
omg. Don't even think of maxing spawn spiderlings at lvl 7. Just keep it at lvl 3 because he doesn't get any extra spiderlings from the last Q upgrade at lvl 7. Instread of getting Q at lvl 7, you can start getting Incapacitating Bite which helps. At this point early game is over and mid-game has started. Chances are you're gonna be doing some chasing and having that Incacitating Bite earlier really helps.

Upto lvl6 your skill build is fine. At lvl 3 though, you have to ask the decide what you want to skill. If you're getting harassed a lot, get web. Otherwise get spawn.

Also, the Ring of Basilius can be replaced by Poor Man's Shield for earlier last hitting power. You get all the mana regen from Soul Ring anyway, and the armor aura isn't that necessary. Pushing is just as easy.

Now, I would say Orchid and Vlad's are more situational on Brood. Brood's core is not concrete and you gotta first look at the enemy.

"Do they have escape mechanism? --> Orchid"
"Do they have many disables? --> Black King Bar"
"Are they lacking in Aoe spells? --> Manta Style"
"Do the have projectile's that can be dodged? --> Manta Style"
"Do they have armor reducers? --> Assault Cuirass"
... so on

In some cares, Linkin's Sphere is also pretty nice on him. The reason is, sometimes the enemy might have some spells that go though BKB (like Bane's ult) and Linkin's might be neccessary to avoid your BKB going to waste. Also, once you have a orchid or linkin's, don't forget to sell that Soul Ring.

Normally, I get a Black King Bar and the Manta on him. Initiate with Black King Bar and barge into the team fight to take out the annoying support. When the BKB runs out, go Manta and finish them off with your team.

Once you have Manta, spiderlings are not needed anymore for pushing towers as they just slow you down at this point. Just push the creep wave with your high damage and attack speed and go Manta on tower. For this reason, Vlad's is a wasted item on Brood and should be avoided at all costs.

Good job at writing the guild though.
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 10, 2012 9:29am
A pretty good guide. Its Simple. Though I think it would be a good idea to rank up Spin Web as soon as possible because, Like you said, she's very dependent on her webs.

But other than that you did well. You stated some things that even I found useful for Brood.

thumbs up
Crysun | July 15, 2012 3:13am
taratos wrote:

i'd get 1 lvl of bite earlier for that juicy FB...
rest seems ok...
might put radi in situatian, if farmed/fed well early on...
it owns on EVERY char if ot early enough..

EDIT: also please add BoT to situational... crossfarming lanes with spiderlings and push like crazy just ROCKS!
and always keep 1 spiderling per web as invisible ward... helps a lot for team map control...

anyway good, simple guide... add a few points and i'll +1 you

greez tara

Thanks for your comment. I'll add all your tips to the guide :)
About the first tip (about skilling up the bite early): it's a good idea but tbh i never had problems getting FB. The Q ability does all the job :P
Ty again!
taratos | July 14, 2012 9:21pm
i'd get 1 lvl of bite earlier for that juicy FB...
rest seems ok...
might put radi in situatian, if farmed/fed well early on...
it owns on EVERY char if ot early enough..

EDIT: also please add BoT to situational... crossfarming lanes with spiderlings and push like crazy just ROCKS!
and always keep 1 spiderling per web as invisible ward... helps a lot for team map control...

anyway good, simple guide... add a few points and i'll +1 you

greez tara
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