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Lich gonna have yo momma!

November 21, 2011 by dirrwen
Comments: 31    |    Views: 387565    |   

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Spinakker | November 24, 2013 1:43pm
I think Tranquil Boots are far better choice than Power Treads. I always rush them as a first major item, because it gives me that amazing health regen and extra movement speed which Lich benefits from when running up and down the lane. Also a Drum of endurance works only as a situational item just because other heroes in the team benefit from it much more, and getting two drums never worth it. Most of the time I build a Necro 3 as a luxory item to cover Lich's only downside: the lack of pushing power.
LordShift | October 28, 2013 3:41am
I loved playing Lich after reading your guide but could have a bit more information on how Lich plays support.
Toomeytime | October 25, 2013 9:58am
Ender101 wrote:

i actually push aghanim's before mekansm. you just have to be more careful

I've seen players do that and I'm not sure it's the best choice. Not as much utility for your team. The most I would do is get an early point booster for the survivability between headdress and Buckler if you find you're having problems staying afloat. Great guide, can you update for 6.79? Lich got some awesome buffs and with the reworking of snack it would be interesting to see how his ability build changes. Definately worth the upvote.
Silk68 | July 26, 2013 9:56am
Just to add, to the build...

I like to get mana boots before mek, support all the way you know. I also like to add eul's scepter. Offensive and defensive ability is just so great!

The movement speed afterwards for Lich gets to 410, which means you can run pretty much after everyone and do a lot which is your job. You need to be in every fight to help out.

but great guide
KGB.Goblinguy | March 22, 2013 3:06pm
Really nice guide, I use lich alot in the upper tiers my team has found him a great counter to alot of the current meta top picks; Naix, Sylla, Bounty, Sven, Am, pretty much all melee physical dps heroes. I have to say this is the only item build i run, i usually wait to upgrade boots till i finish mek or have spare money. It needs to be stressed how strong his armor is early game. Alot of early game fighting is auto attacks and he takes the cake here. I usually like to take my third lvl in SF at lvl 7 instead of maxing FB right off the bat. The extra mana is worth more to holding the lane to me. Past the boots, drum, and mek as a core items, you need to focus on countering the enemy in the best way, for example if they are running a heavy physical Dps team alot of times Shiva's is the way to go. If they are running multiple invis heroes or really fighting you in the ward war then lvl 3 necro solves your problems. For softie teams Aggs is usally the best. If they have that channeling hero giving u a hard time Euls is great. Need a mid game ganker get a rod of altos the hp and slow are really strong on lich. Great guide always enjoy people not running him as a hard nuker.
KeylimePie | February 16, 2013 5:39pm
I love this guide for lich, every time I play him I use it, I just had a game when I went 25-1 using this guide, granted we all shut the other team down extremely, it is still a wonderful guide.
FancyFish (1) | February 16, 2013 12:46pm
Good guide, but you should definitely urge how important ultimate placement is, it the difference between dead creeps and dead heroes.
Affluenza | January 14, 2013 7:53am
This guide has helped me a lot to be a good Lich players. Awesome guide. Thanks!
Cresion | December 26, 2012 10:23pm
why is there no skill build ? :( but other than that guild is really good :D +1
D3n1eD (5) | November 22, 2012 1:32am
thekevintrinh | November 7, 2012 6:43pm
Cool. I've got a general idea. I'm returning to dota 2 after 4 yrs. It's been a while but this guides given me an idea how i should play with him. Time to chill. See what i did there? No? Okey ._.
amigosu | November 6, 2012 10:22am
I know there is probably not a lot for talking about Lich, but your guide is really lacking informations and builds.
Lich is a very simple to play, it has only one skill build and it's hard to think another role for Lich other than a support guy with a potentially good ultimate. But, because Lich do not NEED any item, you really should think what would be your itembuild and how you will help your team.
For example, you can focus in your ultimate with Dagger + Scepter or utility with Meka. So, what make a really good Lich player is awareness of what items you should buy.
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