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9 Votes

INCOMING! - A guide to Clockwerk

March 20, 2012 by Thelnternet
Comments: 5    |    Views: 16302    |   

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Hutska35 (1) | July 4, 2013 4:15pm
Skull basher? Really?
Decatek | June 5, 2013 4:51am
I would never start bottle first with ANY hero, unless you have random gold (bottle + branches or whatever)

Battery Assault first is a nice skill build, but sometimes you'll need to max Rocket Flare first for early harrass and anti-pushing.

I like the 5 point on Battery Assault and Rocket Flare, while keeping Hookshot at level 2 for the entire game, I hope that was misclicking!

This guide is incomplete since March 2012 and I think it won't be completed; this makes me sad because dotafire lacks of complete and nice guides to clockwerk (I don't like even the most voted one, will comment in some hours)
This guide gets another negative vote, improve it!
nachoman | April 17, 2012 8:26am
Battery ***ult should be maxed first. dose 1125 dmg to a single target.
Basher? He has no AS.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | March 31, 2012 10:13am
Aside from what was said above, I would never start bottle first on clock, whether he goes mid or not.

Secondly, if your lane isn't that hard then I would suggest maxing out Battery Assault first, as the early game damage can really help you secure ganks far more than Flare will, which is more of a harass early game.
Superninja (2) | March 20, 2012 1:19pm
5 levels of skills? go play lol
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