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3 Votes

In Defense of the Temple: A Guide to Lanaya (6.84)

August 21, 2015 by Mesko191
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knight96-1994 (2) | June 14, 2016 12:11pm
I understand the whole MoM ordeal around Lanaya, but still it's no worth buying.
In the mid game, you want to focus all of your damage on the first 5 hits you strike with Refraction and your attack speed is high enough, not to mention to additional strike you deal with Meld
The increased movement speed can be obtained with a Yasha or Drum of Endurance (the latter especially if you get low on farm) and yes even an Eul, which is viable in a "anti-counter" build where Lanaya is heavily countered and you want her to be more of an utility hero (this includes even a Scythe of Vyse).

And in the late game, MoM is basically useless because you can deal enough damage at a decently high speed without putting yourself in harm's way.
It's a good item only when on a furious pubstomping and you get an early Crystalis.
Sanvitch (18) | October 10, 2015 5:54pm
There is no reason to pick up Battle Fury on TA. Like ever. You already have wave clear built into your skill set, you don't really need the regen (Not that anyone buys it for that), and you have more than enough damage as is.
Mesko191 | October 10, 2015 1:28pm
Thifiell wrote:

I like battle fury on TA, I can cast refraction non stop and have good damage and regeneration (I hate bottles). Why is it not popular item? I do not care about the cleave effect

The only thing a Battle Fury provides that makes it worth picking up is the cleave. If you just want damage and regen, there are items much much more efficient in those categories. If you "hate bottles", you aren't gonna do very well with TA beacuse of how dependant she is on one.
cpfran6 (3) | September 21, 2015 7:33pm
Thifiell wrote:

I like battle fury on TA, I can cast refraction non stop and have good damage and regeneration (I hate bottles). Why is it not popular item? I do not care about the cleave effect

You buy BF for the cleave
Thifiell | September 21, 2015 6:43pm
I like battle fury on TA, I can cast refraction non stop and have good damage and regeneration (I hate bottles). Why is it not popular item? I do not care about the cleave effect
Mesko191 | September 21, 2015 2:37pm
Dmon wrote:

Hahaha mate u r missing lots of counters :)). Personally i think Shadow Shaman IS THE MODAFKING HARDEST counter for Lanaya mostly due to his Hex which renders her useless in teamfight if no BKB is picked up .His "Channel stun" deals damage in 0,1 secs interval which fk u up HARD and the snakes..... 1 attack from 6 snakes popped ur Q immediately. Special mention to Bloodseeker due to his Ult which limits ur mobility if u go for the MOM build and Witch Doctor with his e and his Death Ward [simply cuz u have no way to stop his channels and u cant go invi cuz he most likely has Gem or Dusts on (he is sp duhhh)]. Also Tiny and Skywrath due to their 0,1 damage instance abilities.

There are way too many "counters" to Templar Assassin to include in one guide. I'll consider adding Shadow Shaman, though, I can definitely see him being one of the bigger problems.

I would not say Tiny is a counter to Lanaya, in fact it is probably one of your more favorable matchups as Templar Assassin. Craggy Exterior won't proc once you level up Psi Blades, and aside from Avalanche, he relies on massive damage in slow attacks, making Refraction ideal in that situation. I wouldn't really consider having one DoT spell a big counter to TA if that is the only part of the Hero that is good against her. Witch Doctor, Bloodseeker, and Skywrath Mage have merit as a counter to TA but I definitely would not say they are hard of counters as the heroes I listed in the guide.
Dmon | September 21, 2015 9:01am
Hahaha mate u r missing lots of counters :)). Personally i think Shadow Shaman IS THE MODAFKING HARDEST counter for Lanaya mostly due to his Hex which renders her useless in teamfight if no BKB is picked up .His "Channel stun" deals damage in 0,1 secs interval which fk u up HARD and the snakes..... 1 attack from 6 snakes popped ur Q immediately. Special mention to Bloodseeker due to his Ult which limits ur mobility if u go for the MOM build and Witch Doctor with his e and his Death Ward [simply cuz u have no way to stop his channels and u cant go invi cuz he most likely has Gem or Dusts on (he is sp duhhh)]. Also Tiny and Skywrath due to their 0,1 damage instance abilities.
taco_cat4133 | September 6, 2015 5:29am
A small detail that doesn't matter much but psi blades can help in pushing out a lane by aligning yourself correctly. Also pudge counters because hook takes you out of meld and Rot takes out your refraction.Other than that this is an Amazing guide I give you a +1
assimic777 | August 30, 2015 2:47pm
Now I want to play TA. Good guide.
cpfran6 (3) | August 25, 2015 4:19pm

Thanks! I'll add the Psi Blades detail.

I would highly highly recommend skilling Psionic Trap as soon as possible for the rune control if nothing else but I can see how getting more points into Meld could be useful.

There are only 3 situations that you don't
1. You are in a High Skill game and people can CC for you
2. You are in a low skill game and Runes are uncontested
3. They have a VERY squishy team and Maxing Meld will net you some easy kills in ganks
The Bluerage | August 24, 2015 7:05am
I remember wrecking a TA using Earth Spirit.
Possible foe?
Mesko191 | August 21, 2015 3:44pm
TheSofa wrote:

Great guide, +1.

I actually play TA a lot and was going to write a guide, but you beat me to it.

But here are some tips:
  • Use lists, like this!
  • Have you tried the non-bottle rush start? ( Wraith Band + Tango])
  • A gameplay section would be nice
  • Black King Bar is core. Even if Juggernaut is the only magic damage on their team.
  • Blink Dagger is situational. It's nice to have good positioning, but if you're play the carry role (#1 as opposed to #2), then BKB >> Deso >> Crit is good.

That's all for now, good guide!

Thank you!

You know what, I haven't tried taking a Wraith Band as a starting item, I'll try it out and put in the guide if I think it's a solid option!

Yeah, like I said under the Item Build Justification, BKB is basically core. I kinda had to fight with myself over whether I wanted it in the core section or the situational section. I might decide to indeed move it to the core section.

I'm working on a gaemplay section as we speak.

To me, Blink Dagger is almost more of a playstyle-type thing on Templar Assassin, so I totally understand thinking of it as a situational item and not a core (especially in the MoM build, where I did in fact put it in the situational category). Took me a while to warm up to it, actually.

I'll continue to work on touching up the formatting.

Feel free to make your own TA guide! We clearly have a few different ideas and you clearly have some good formatting knowledge, your contribution would be very useful.
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