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How to be a stealth assasin!

May 14, 2013 by alexgold50
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Yosiu | May 15, 2013 3:47am
I'm not a big fan of postponing diffusal (it makes riki such a midgame monster), but if you really want to build butterfly earlier then i would strongly recommend buying Orb of Venom after boots. It give decent slow for few bucks, but it doesnt stack with diffusal, so it should be sold later on.
alexgold50 | May 13, 2013 4:51am
TenshiN wrote:

Maxing Backstab first? Why not putting a single point into it and go Blink Strike instead? It's much more useful early on, or so i think.

maxing Backstab first is a better than maxing Blink Strike first because of the amount of bonus damage it gives you. So when you are ganking just Blink Strike in the use Smoke Screen and most likely they will run allowing you to do a lot of damage with your Backstab
TenshiN (6) | May 12, 2013 1:33pm
Maxing Backstab first? Why not putting a single point into it and go Blink Strike instead? It's much more useful early on, or so i think.
alexgold50 | May 9, 2013 12:46pm
Lol I didn't see that their. Thanks!
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 9, 2013 12:36pm
You can press the edit button on your own posts to change spelling mistakes without making new posts.
alexgold50 | May 8, 2013 4:55pm
alexgold50 wrote:

and than you kaihg!

sorry spelling mistake, I mean thank you Kaihg!
alexgold50 | May 8, 2013 4:33pm
and than you kaihg!
alexgold50 | May 8, 2013 4:24pm
Thank you I will see what i can do
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 8, 2013 3:53pm
If you arent building Diffusal Blade Asap, you are probably doing it wrong... or playing a low level pub where Dust of Apperance isn't used.

I do not like Sange and Yasha on most heroes. It gives you attack speed and movement from the Yasha, but all the sange gives you is HP, raw damage, and a maim that is probably unneeded thanks to Smoke Screen (which is easily evaded by Force Staff anyway).

Build a Manta Style. It's not as much HP, sure, but you will build AGI items on Riki anyway, and the active can get rid of Dust, dodge sniper ult, and at the VERY least, you can split and make one of your illusions run away and have everyone chase that while you disapear.

Also, as mentioned, if you get diffusal don't get HOTD, unless you have a carry on your team who can kill ancients and you can use the active to stack the camp.

I honestly would just not bother with lifesteal on rikki. Getting more damage faster is ofetn times better. Butterfly > Lifesteal in Rikki. Butterfly costs more, though... but often times Egle Song > Lifesteal, giving you 25 raw damage and attack speed, while also contributing 30 backstab damage. Not giving the enemy a chance to turn around is often times the best solution to a problem. Just don't play stupid.

Usually the argument for early lifesteal I often see here is that you can just go into the jungle rather than go back to base. And while i still don't feel that is a valid argument most places, here is especially true, since riki can't even jungle well.
kaihg | May 8, 2013 2:22pm
" Backstab

The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.

Level 1 - Deals 0.25x the Agility of the SA to the target
Level 2 - Deals 0.5x the Agility of the SA to the target
Level 3 - Deals 0.75x the Agility of the SA to the target
Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0"

Your figures are just a bit off, it's actually .5/.75/1/1.25

I like your guide a lot but I suggest replacing HoTD with Vlad's despite it not affecting your teammates. Vlad's is a much better item and HoTD doesn't stack as Twelveeleven pointed out. I suggest either removing HoTD or replacing it with Vlad's which gives Riki bonus mana regen, damage, armor and lifesteal that stacks with his diffusal blade. This brings me to my next point, diffusal blade should be built earlier to counter mid/early game intelligence heroes and give you that extra damage and really make use of a Unique Attack Modifier. When I play Riki I like to go:

Tango, Salve, Stout Shield and Slippers
Slippers, Boots of Speed, Ring of Basilius, Finish my Power Treads then finish Vlad's (If I have 1000 gold laying around I pick up a Blade of Alacrity.)
Mid game is all about Diffusal Blade then Yasha and Crystalys.
After that you could hit Manta or Sange and Yasha depending on the game.

However this is all personal preference. Just a few suggestions and how I run my Riki. I do highly suggest Vlad's, most aren't aware of the effect and it goes way better. +1 Good guide, good luck.
alexgold50 | May 8, 2013 6:51am
Twelveeleven wrote:

HotD doesn't stack with Diffusal blade so I would go with vladimir's if you're going to do that.

nvm sorry but just realized that vlads gives away your position so you shouldnt buy that item, I think sticking with a HotD
alexgold50 | May 8, 2013 4:45am
very good idea thank you for that, I will add that in right know.
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