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13 Votes

Grandmaster (WR 56%)

October 7, 2024 by SINTETIKA
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Build 1
Build 2
Build 3

Signature build (pos 2)

DotA2 Hero: Enchantress

Hero Skills

Rabble-Rouser (Innate)


1 3 5 7


9 11 14 16

Nature's Attendants

2 4 8 10


6 12 18


13 15

Hero Talents

+12 Nature's Attendants Wisps
+6.5% Impetus Damage
+150 Health and 25 Damage for Enchantress and her units
+60 Untouchable Slow
+8 Nature's Attendants Heal
+30 Attack Speed for Enchantress and her units
+30 Movement Speed during Nature's Attendants
+10 Enchanted Creep Armor


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As far as I'm concerned, the best position for Enchantress is POS 4 (Support), followed by POS 2 (Meader), then POS 5 (Full Support).

It will be easy to stand in hard, and you can subfarm a large camp well and make stacks.
If going full support, a lot of resources will go to carry and also Enchantress has no stacks.
Enchantress in mid can be taken if you have little magic and no illusions. At low ratings, you can safely solo it. Mid wins 80% of the time. But it's important to take out the mids on k/d.

Taking Enchantress as a triple or as a carry is not a good idea. Any other triple will play better, the same Axe or Chaos, they will just crush Enchantress.


Encha's strengths are pure damage, healing, push potential, laning.
Assembling a supporter with infinite hit, physical and mag damage defense is nonsense to me. Then Enchantress will be practically useless (in most cases).
I play myself a lot, Enchantress can make solo kills easily.

In late-game it's important for her to keep her position from afar and stuff Impetus into enemies, as well as heal allies and herself in time.

Obligatory items are ranged, then control (e.g. Orchid, Hex, Aghanim) or save. Next for damage and attack speed (Brooch, Parasma, Monkey King Bar).
Going to the fat I do not see the point, because the drain of 3 skill and so huge.


Enchantress is mostly afraid of magic, as well as items that turn off her passive. She's also very much afraid of a lot of lard, too.
Also unpleasant are heroes with escapism that can counter Impetus under pique. And heroes with quick damage are also unpleasant.

→ Fears: Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, Phantom Assassin, Weaver, Marci, Troll Warlord, Lifestealer, Riki ; SF, Lina, Viper, Invoker, Puck, Windranger, Timbersaw; Grimstroke, Silencer, Doom.

→ Good against: Faceless Void, Chen, Lone Druid, Templar Assasin, Arc Warden, Mars , Skywrath Mage + against almost all tonkiv gers, especially sapports. Also good against a lot of armor.

→ Synergy with allies: Bounty Hunter, Bloodseeker, Bane, Centaur, Jakiro, Dragon Knight, Naga Siren, Clockwerk, Viper, Venomancer, Ogre Mage.


If you're on POS 4, your job is to constantly harass your support and carry, but don't get cocky. It is also important to unblock your big kemp in order to farm it. And preferably block your opponent's small camp, but I prefer to farm it too.

Once you get level 3, you are very strong with the level 2 Encant ability. Your controlled creep can deal a lot of damage and even dive under tower.

Also look at the mini-map, from level 3-4 you can help out on other lanes: either make kills or heal (for example, a mid who has a difficult matchup).

Make sure to put a deep ward so you don't get ganked, because you will probably win the lane and the enemy carry will cry.


You need to collect Hurricane Pike + Shard as early as possible to be mega useful and do a lot of damage. Set up deep wards to give Pika and swamp the enemy with Impetus.
It's especially important to tank the enemy carry, go out on him in smocks with someone. Otherwise, even if you take down all T-2 towers, the carry will come out of the forest and give stars.... XD

If the game is going well, stake a team on Roshan, you can tank him safely and even two with a strong carry to pick him up.

At 20 minutes you can solo Termentor if you have Pika. But in order not to die from him, turn on 3 skill + take 6 lothus. But it is better to ask to approach +1 hero at least.

And VERY IMPORTANT - constantly fluff the lines with your controlled creeps. You will have more gold and enemies from your territory.


The build in the guide is made for pos 4 if you are pushing the line. If you play on pos 5, you can emphasize 2 and 3 skill (pump in 2 points), and then already Impetus to pump.
If you are playing on Mid, then 1 skillet pump Impetus, then 3 skillet.

It all depends on your gameplay, if you can farm, then swing through 1 and 2 skill. If you need to heal, then through 3 skill. Enchantress knows no bounds!

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