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5 Votes

Drow "AK-47" Ranger

July 15, 2013 by HellBoya
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HellBoya | July 14, 2013 11:53am
HellBoya wrote:

Officialy, from now i stop loosing time, cause you are without hope

HellBoya | July 14, 2013 11:11am
Officialy, from now i stop loosing time, cause you are without hope
Yasutsuna (51) | July 13, 2013 8:59pm
Lol samukobo, you're trying to introduce Kyfoid's Dark Seer build?

On account to this guide. If you really want to spam so many hyperstones, why not buy Eagle? It gives agility who could give you more damage and armor
samukobo (28) | July 13, 2013 4:22pm
That's because people look for significant builds, not "funny" builds.

If people wanted funny builds, they would just pick dark seer, skip Surge, max his other 3 skills, farm a lot, get tranquil boots, phase boots and max dagon.

Edit: Oh, and the second account thing was pretty obvious.
HellBoya | July 13, 2013 2:37pm
For me is only fun. That's why i share this but not anyone understood that.
Is not my problem...
Mirror (22) | July 13, 2013 1:23pm
It is a funny build, I did something similar on Phantom Lancer before his buff, reached his BAT (Base Attack Time)after 3 but I still got full six hyper stones . Sorry for being a little harsh, I am used to people being serious about stuff like this.
HellBoya | July 13, 2013 1:07pm
In effect with this build you don't have armor or agility but the speed attack is very very high and crystalys give crytical damage..
This build is not the best or the better, i only said that this build is very funny..
After tried this any one can say bad this...
Thats all
Mirror (22) | July 13, 2013 12:48pm
This is a low level pub build for a low level pub hero. If 40 free agility is not enough attack speed for you then you should get a butterfly. Costs the same as 3 hyperstones and give better stats all around.

For orb effects on Drow there is her frost arrows and life steal. I guess if you wanted more push deso could be good but a medallion can work just fine. Also, Shadow blade is EZ to counter with wards and dust. Situational at best.

You talk about crit in your "gameplay" but put no crit item in your "items" section.

I actually like your skill build. You did a good job with that.

Your items give you now survivability other that an easily countered invis. sorry to say this but because of the above flaws this is getting a -1 from me.
AbsolF (14) | July 13, 2013 10:31am
This is such an obvious troll, which pales in comparison to even Kyfoid.
HellBoya | July 13, 2013 10:27am
Truetlly i use 4 iperstones cristalys and desolator and trust me that is something really funny, so i think that Is to try at least one time
HellBoya | July 13, 2013 10:21am
Why you are so angry? It was only an idea that u can take in consideration or not. You don't nerd to trought ****. Second i don't need to male second account, i am a sharer not a nerd. Like u. Telling this i'm really sorry for you cause you have something wrong
PepeuSlayer | July 13, 2013 9:59am
samukobo wrote:

This guide is bad and you should feel bad, partly for the guide, partly for making another account just to comment on your guide.

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