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42 Votes

Double or Nothing

April 5, 2012 by Leech
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Scarletterose60 | January 27, 2013 4:00pm
In most games I have found that Aganim's scepter, while a good item for Ogre, is definitely not the best item on him, the second fireblast costs a whooping 400 mana and have a long cooldown, it is better to build more mana items before aganim's so that his miniscule mana pool isn't eaten up by a single Fireblast, I only pick up Aganim's scepter typically if I somehow have a large amount of gold and only after I build a Eul's and Force Staff or Altos first so that he will have enough mana to cast all his spells at least twice. And not surprisingly Altos and an absolutely amazing item on Ogre, giving a cheap and long range slow, granting him 250 health, 475 mana, increased mana regen AND 25 more base damage, it just makes him more effective at chasing while also being cheaper than Force Staff and Eul's combined. HOWEVER if you plan on playing him more supportive as opposed to more of a ganking or roaming role, than it would be better to go with the force staff and eul's as they benefit your team as a whole much better with their actives. Also a necronomicon is a fantastic pickup on Ogre for the mana burn which devastates opposing Int heroes.
Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 5:30am
+1/+Rep for a simple but good Ogre Magi guide.

If you ever get around to updating this, Luxuries/Situationals could use some detail as to what you should get when.
Reed (3) | August 1, 2012 2:56am
No Soul Ring?

You need to mention this if playing Ogre Magi, sometimes it makes more sense to get soul ring than arcane boots.
Sefi (3) | July 21, 2012 1:47am
I agree that Scepter is certainly an item to consider for OM, but like most games it depends entirely on the situation. Depending on Scepter to win you the game is almost never the answer, and OM has too little a mana pool to rush it. Maybe after getting Arcane Boots and one other decent item that solves your mana problems. Personally I enjoy the Bloodstone build if I'm having a good game.

Otherwise, great guide, and unless you've got another dedicated bottler on your team, definitely remember that Bottle. Seen too many ogres opt against it for some reason.
Cryder | June 17, 2012 1:31pm
A rather major fault with this guide is that you are saying that Scepter isn't worth it.

Scepter is certainly one of the best items possible for Ogre Magi, enabling the ability to do 5 - 8x multicasts, or simply just adding more stun.
Sure its mana expensive, but you get plenty of mana later on, and its worth it to spend some mana for a kill.

So yeah, Scepter is THE item for Ogre Magi.
jaslam (21) | May 24, 2012 4:24am
Aganims is shaping up to be a good item for Ogre - I haven't played this version of aganims on Dota1 so I am not sure - however you say it is pricey - but as an item it is easy to build. Key issues for support is gold - aganims can be bought in 1k - 1.2k parts, where as sheep stick is 2.7k and 2.1k parts - it's basically another disable, potential to multi cast AND all the added stats.. Great item for Ogre - start with a point booster or wizardy - and from there you can adjust your build accordingly. (depending how the mid game goes..) ie change the wizardy to a euls if needed or point booster to bloodstone (though not needed) - if you are farming the lane, then a rush aganims by the 20 minute mark would devastate the enemy team at mid game stage (level 11)

the combo is strong - stun - slow - ulti-stun - stun again (6 sec cd) the targetted disable for this 1 unlucky customer, even without a multi cast is 800dmg in 6 seconds, stunned throughout..
wittlemidget | May 23, 2012 6:35pm
He's out on the test realms just now, so he'll be in the main in the week
RedHair_Shanks | May 10, 2012 6:57pm
Wish he's coming soon, one of my fav DOTA chars' U__u
Leech (25) | April 6, 2012 3:33pm
Atlas wrote:

I like the name of the guide. :D

Atlas (117) | April 6, 2012 6:45am
I like the name of the guide. :D
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