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2 Votes

Don't be worthless riki

July 29, 2015 by lafuyeson
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masaaki14 (11) | August 28, 2015 1:57pm
Diffusal is not built for the slow, it is built for purge. You can purge yourself of dust, instakill enemy summons, purge off enemy buffs(omniknight, ghost scepter).

The uses of a diffusal is too good, and has too many benefits to a riki, that is why it is a core. Skadi is indeed a strong item for riki, and many a time i find myself building skadi straight after diffusal if i don't need a bkb, but it is too expensive an item to rush imo
lafuyeson | August 28, 2015 2:10am
yeah tnx for the comments, I will try to make use of the formatting in due time, I just wanted to point out few things, yeah I was using diffu as a core item before but you see if you sum the price of diffu its much wiser to invest on ulti orb rather than 2 alacrity actually the bonus 10 to str and int is more viable because riki is too squishy and the extra str would give you a couple of seconds to blink out for safety and the extra in would give you more mana on spamming skills, yeah 2 alacrity will give you the boost wit ap,aspd and armor but like what I sd backstab is underrated you don't need that much spd or ap at early levels, once you get someone wandering around by themselves im sure its a kill just a blink smoke and few backstabs will do bec on this guide I prefer to level backstab rather than invi, however I do acknowledged your suggestions, its just I want to play differently and I can assure you when you do get those early kills and get your skadi early you will see the difference from building up diffu that loses a charge than using skadi with the extra stats. :D
Sliderpro | August 8, 2015 5:47pm
Diffusal rly is a core. It gives somewhat armor, it gives ~50 damage and it gives purge\summon killing, with just ok price.
TheSofa (54) | July 30, 2015 9:54pm
Krwiozerca (34) | July 30, 2015 9:46pm
The formatting in this guide is under Permanent Invisibility.
apaz (17) | July 30, 2015 9:29pm
Or, look at the formatting guide. I think the usual build for Rikimaru is fine, but the problem is rikis just being bad players or just sitting there invisible for too long, without actually farming. Stacking Wraith Bands is an interesting Idea though, I'll have to try it sometime. You might want to carry a TP scroll too.
masaaki14 (11) | July 29, 2015 12:28pm
Wall of text, try and split it up into paragraphs.
famasofwar (4) | July 29, 2015 11:10am
Cuzzamuluzza wrote:

How can you not have diffusal blade as core.It is so good for the stats and diffusing dust.

Honestly, I really don't like riki builds that overlook the permanent invisibility.
P.S. Does anyone know how I link the item in my response?

use [[item name, with the ] bracket being doubled on the right side of the name.

And terrible guide. Wall of text, and not much text at that, with a mediocre build. I'm assuming from the title that English isn't your native language either. Peruvian or Latin American maybe?
Cuzzamuluzza (2) | July 29, 2015 10:28am
How can you not have diffusal blade as core.It is so good for the stats and diffusing dust.

Honestly, I really don't like riki builds that overlook the permanent invisibility.
P.S. Does anyone know how I link the item in my response?
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