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28 Votes

Collecting a Bounty

May 9, 2012 by Manatikik
Comments: 18    |    Views: 127756    |   

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NaturalElements | February 6, 2013 12:34am
This is not a good guide.Rep- xD
alextw22 | September 7, 2012 7:27am
Personally I get one level of jinada early and 2 levels of shuriken because at lvl 3 shuriken the damage increase is only 50. Honestly maxing shadow walk is better because you can maintain invisibility at all times (especially sinec the mana cost stays at 50). Then max Shuriken since by then you'll have your mana engine, and then max jinada. Maxing jinada early isn't worth the 30 extra damage from an early game crit when you get much more added damage from shadow walk.
Manatikik (1) | May 9, 2012 3:42pm
Added new Experimental Anti-Carry build.
MoosetheMonkey (12) | April 10, 2012 7:40pm
MoosetheMonkey (12) | April 10, 2012 7:39pm
Manatikik wrote:

I use engine as a term to describe how hp/mp needs something to keep you going and able to use it enough in fights and to regen in between, this could be regen, a large pool, or regen items such as bottle or wand.

Hope that helps clarify why i chose that wordage and items.

Ahahahahahahhaa just messing man I like ur guide. Especially the arnie reduction breakdown, very well done
Superninja (2) | March 8, 2012 3:03am
Never take crits for gondar, u already have jinada. Daedalus shouldnt be even in the optional items list
Manatikik (1) | March 6, 2012 4:23pm

hmm nice. engine meaning regen? or is gondar a car o.O

I use engine as a term to describe how hp/mp needs something to keep you going and able to use it enough in fights and to regen in between, this could be regen, a large pool, or regen items such as bottle or wand.

Hope that helps clarify why i chose that wordage and items.
MoosetheMonkey (12) | March 4, 2012 1:14pm
hmm nice. engine meaning regen? or is gondar a car o.O
kratrz | February 27, 2012 1:15pm
luckysarig wrote:

i think shuriken should be maxed last. you get it to level 3 and you leave it there since the mana cost is so high at 4

shuriken should be maxed first. it's easy kills early game. squishy char running away from 40% hp, toss, dead.
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