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83 Votes

Carry Doom - Tournament Build * Including stuff for new Update *

December 21, 2012 by -cNc-
Comments: 40    |    Views: 858417    |   

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Blubbles (13) | April 7, 2016 3:34pm
Vanguard is heavily outclassed currently. Why get Vanguard when you could have Point Booster + Another Cheapish Item like PMS, Aether Lens, Etc.
Hamstertamer (89) | April 7, 2016 3:40pm
Because 2012.

The necro is real.
axemad | April 13, 2015 1:14pm
This guide really helped me understand how to carry much better thank you:)
VioletGiraffe | September 23, 2014 4:13am
No lifesteal? Useless Vanguard? Radiance isn't a very efficient DPS item either. I don't get it. Downvoted.
datvu2408 | April 2, 2014 7:38pm
Scepter is actually a good item later in the game due to new mechanic (the counter won't drop if Doom is near), but without damage or survival item, Doom wouldn't do much without his ult (and relatively long cd too). Should get Agh only if you really, really, REALLY need those extra seconds to lockdown their main carry.
HungryHaitian | March 19, 2014 7:29am
Why is there no mention of scepter? I think you should atleast mention why it shouldn't be purchased
Phoenix177117 | March 11, 2014 3:02pm
I would like to add my two cents as well for those who don't know the inner workings of Doom Bringer's Doom. There's a reason why both Legion Commander and Doom Bringer become OP when they get their Last Skills. Doom and Duel don't just silence. They are actually classified as Mutes. They disable all actives, most passives, and all items. This makes them especially dangerous to skill-based characters. Another thing everyone should note is that Doom goes through Magic Immunity. Doom basically goes like this, Enemy Hero: "Black King Bar!" Doom Bringer: "Shut Up!"; Enemy Juggernaut: "Blade Fury!" Doom Bringer: "Shut Up!" So if you've got annoying carries abusing there BKB's, just call Doom Bringer on them. I hope this helped. Ciao!
Dawn_and_Dusk | September 19, 2013 1:06am
I like to get poor manshield with a point booster, its cheaper then vangaurd and you can upgrade the point booster into a aghs, hand of midas with devour= holy sh*t that gpm
Noblackz | September 18, 2013 4:31pm
I have actually built a bf on doom my first time playing him also and it did work amaZingly.. Literally could spam last words and became a huge threat
ribiagio98 | September 14, 2013 8:26pm
Nice guide, helped a lot :)
Noblackz | August 31, 2013 5:55pm
I was messing around with doom in a pub match and decided to try and build a battle fury for the regen and right click powah.. It actually helped to get alot more last words off and needless to say made me a very high target .. Any thoughts on it
Dictator | June 30, 2013 1:46pm
Really nice guide man i liked it! I have one suggestion though, maybe you can add a timer on which items to get; like around what time should you get vanguard, ect.
LazilytotheLeft | May 16, 2013 12:15pm
I feel like I should add that vanguard is only good if you get it before 7-8 maybe 10 minutes. The buffs it adds are not effective in the middle and late game. Getting armor is much more effective throughout the entire game than a shield. I'd recommend selling it towards the late game for Assault Cuirass when you need a little more to finish it. Vanguard is a very attractive item, but it's not as good as it seems. Important: Do not get vanguard if you can't complete it fast in the early game. If you are not farming well, work on something that uses chain mail (like Blade Mail). kk GLHF guys.
MMPH | April 7, 2016 3:00pm
TY did so much better getting blademail instead
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