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18 Votes

7k Immortal Grandmaster Support Undying - 7.37d

October 14, 2024 by Mrki55
Comments: 2    |    Views: 111846    |   

Rotting Mitts Undying Support

DotA2 Hero: Undying

Hero Skills

Ceaseless Dirge (Innate)


1 3 5 7

Soul Rip

4 12 13 14


2 8 9 10

Flesh Golem

6 16 18


11 15

Hero Talents

+6 Tombstone Attacks to Destroy
+50% Flesh Golem Strength Bonus
-2s Decay Cooldown
Tombstone On Death
+10 Soul Rip Damage/Heal
+20 Tombstone Zombie Damage
+50 Decay Damage
-15 Tombstone Cooldown

7k Immortal Grandmaster Support Undying - 7.37d

October 14, 2024


Created by a immortal Undying enjoyer with over 4k games on Undying. If you find the guide usefull remember to leave a rating :)

This build is ment to be played by a Support Undying in the safelane.

It will also keep Changing/Getting Tweaked along with the meta


Open dota:


Skills Guide


In lane cast decay on an enemy to wither their health and set them up for a kill.

Once the enemy laners are weak use
tombstone, blood grenades or allies to secure kills.

You should always try to decay as many heroes as possible in the aoe.

Soul rip:

Use soul rip to heal yourself, teamates and tomb (if its effective) or use it to secure a kill.

Can be used to deal serious nuke damage if the enemy is affected by plaque debuff.

Make sure to position yourself around creeps/units before using it.

Max damage/heal per lvl: 150/250/350/450

Tombstone continuously spawns zombies that deal damage and slow. It forces enemies to decide if they want to destroy it, run away or fight under it.

Besides the damage and slow, tombstone is also a great vision tool. Both tombstone and zombies grant vision, zombies eaven chase after enemies into fog.

If possible drop tomb on cliffs where it will gain unobstructed vision and evasion against ranged attacks.

Eaven if tombstone is destroyed you forced the enemy to spend attacks destroying it.
Flesh Golem:

Amplifies your durability and damage and empowers your attacks with a slowing/damage amplificating debuff.

Prioritize attacking/debuffing enemies who cant fight back, enemies who want to harras your weak allies, enemies with powerfull cc or stun spells or enemies who are being attacked by your cores.

Debuffing enemies forces them to use spells and damage on you. (This is why you love
durability items.)

Increases all your base str and stolen str.

Golem is dispelled upon respawning.
Ceaseless Dirge:

Undying biggest fear is dying before a fight starts, ceaseless dirge negates that fear.

Becomes available at min 6:30.

Has 8 min cd.

Talents Guide

-15 seconds tombstone cooldown.

Tombstone is a valuable spell and its important for it to come of cd faster.


+50 Decay damage

Great for killing enemy summons, depushing and flash farming.

More damage helps you proc deathlust on zombies faster.

+10 Soul rip damage/heal

Increases Soul rip max damage/heal to 550.

Staying alive and keeping allies alive is one of your main objectives.


+20 Zombies damage:

Increases zombie damage from 34 to 54.

Makes tombstone very dangerous for heroes who cannot deal with zombies.

Zombies base attack time is 1.6
Spawn tombstone on death:

Punishes enemies when they kill you by summoning a tombstone. Forces them to spend time destroynig it or suffering the consequences if they dont.


-2sec Decay cd:

Get decay talent if you have powerfull durability items and can scale with decay and flesh golem.

If you cannot spam decay due to silances or stuns then the lower cooldown is pointless...

+6 tombstone attacks to destroy:

Increases tombstone health to 14 attacks.

Great talent when Bunkering allies is your main priority.

Extends tombstones lifespan in fights increasing the possiblity of it overwhelming the enemy team with zombies.


+50% flesh golem str bonus:

Use this talent to amplify all the strength gained from decay, base strength and items.

The longer you stay alive the longer you protect your team and debuff enemies.

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