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Forum » Theory Crafting » need help 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by skyslasher » December 30, 2012 7:41pm | Report
can anyone kindly tell me how i can take my dragon knight gameplay to the next lvl.i need help with strategies.i hardly die but my kills are very little.Any suggestions?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by wilddeonpwn » December 30, 2012 8:27pm | Report
I used this before when playing Dragon Knight, and I think it could help you slightly.
  • Breathe Fire works in a cone. This means it has more area of effect the farther away the targets are from the Dragon Knight. Anyone very close might not even get hit!
  • A regeneration item combined with levels of blood make him extremely difficult to take out in the laning phase. However, you can also play Davion without any healing items at all if you plan on leveling the skill. A fully upgraded blood will heal him faster than Dazzle or the Necrolyte could.
  • Dragon Tail is a very useful stun. However, it doesn't gain much in power as you spend attribute points on it with Davion. You might be better off putting them into other abilities early in the DOTA Allstars game after the first one.
  • You can equip him with items that increase his armor and maximum health. This turns him into a huge tank with the base armor granted due to his skill. Many players consider Davion the Dragon Knight to be one of the most unkillable heroes in the game. Other great tanks include King Leoric, Bradwarden and Pudge. Davion can reach his full damage absorbing potential much easier than these other heroes can.
  • Each level of Dragon Blood has the same increased effect as the first. It's an excellent choice to put skill points into if you plan on taking damage. The armor gained is not shown as a buff. It is added to your base Dragon Knight armor level.
  • Each level of elder skill has extra abilities. The first elder dragon form excels at destroying buildings - Corrosive attack. The second elder is good for hero groups - Splash radius. The third form is great for killing single heroes. It has an added Freezing breath, with a similar splash attack to the second.
  • His frost breath slows units by 30%, and lowers their attack by 20%. This is similar to the Eye of Skadi item orb effect, but lasts a second longer as the ranged creature.

NOTE: This uses DotA terms, so I guess you'll have to learn.

Some better guides are (In Order):
Hope this will help you :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » December 30, 2012 9:11pm | Report
Care to link some games you've played with DK so we can assess what you can do/not do, etc


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by skyslasher » December 31, 2012 1:29am | Report
ok guys.thanks for all your help


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » December 31, 2012 4:38am | Report
Steal kills with Breathe Fire and stack ancients and kill them when you're level 11 in Elder Dragon Form. That way you'll get fed and you can win.
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