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Learning with League of Legends

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Learning with League of Legends 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by daPhongster » November 5, 2012 8:39pm | Report
I'm trying to get my friend to play Dota 2. He's a complete noob to the MOBA world. Should I tell him to play League of Legends first, since it's easier?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » November 5, 2012 9:05pm | Report
Well, League of Legends shows you defenitly some things like last hitting, how to play as team and other stuff like that.

But the differences to DotA are huge.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » November 6, 2012 3:54am | Report
No, you should help him, play with him, and try to make him understand.

League of Legends won't learn him how to play DotA.

It's like learning to play Call of Duty by playing Battlefield, two different games.

Send him videos that might help him, show him pro matches, if you are friends in real life, you could go to his place and show him what to click, what to press and such.

Also, make him like and feel good in game, if he feels good, he plays good and learns faster.

If he's stressed and feeling bad, he'll never learn.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Watcher » November 6, 2012 11:26am | Report
Depends on your objective i think. If you just want him to get a general idea of how to do character movement or you want him to understand what minions are and how to kill them and how to use abilities (sure go with league, it is much more forgiving to new players). However movement mechanically is different in Dota 2. Abilities work differently, and the concept of the game while in whole are similar, have completely different styles. Play bot games with your friend, even add bots on your team to help him understand what i would be like to play an actual game. However once he at least gets the basic concept behind lane and map awareness i would suggest moving to actual games (he will only get better if he plays with actual people who evolve and think, will also give him a chance to learn from how they play)

With that said! explore all games in this genre. Dota 2 may not be your friend, he may like league, or Smite, or even HON i say play around till you guys find either what you have the most fun in, or what you want to get the most competitive in!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Glayde » November 6, 2012 9:34pm | Report
Yeah, League of Legends won't really improve your friends gameplay. You should give him tips, play with him, ask him to research a bit (check out hero skills, etc). Give him maybe a month or so, or if he's a quick learner maybe even a week.

Also, like hades said, don't go and tell him "Omg u suk at lasthitting man". Encourage him, and if it's too hard, play against bots with him, or ask him to play some Co-op VS AI.

Also, he may not like Dota 2, you could let him try League of Legends, SMITE, or HoN. See what he likes. You'll have to be pretty patient, as your friend will need time to adjust to the new style of gameplay.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mitchapalooza » November 12, 2012 12:17pm | Report
Being completely new to ARTS games, it is going to take a while to learn the game no matter what circumstance. I think if you want him to lean to Dota 2 through LoL, he is going to learn a lot of bad habits through LoL that are going to be even hearder to transition from LoL to Dota 2. You should make a smurf account and play with him, teach him how to lane, and really just the basics of the game.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Salawayun » November 13, 2012 10:13pm | Report
The problem is people tend to give LoL a casual approach which makes them think that stuff like Offensive Jungling and trying to grab last hits. Anyway, it'd be better if you teach him the basics first in-game, there's also a number of guides that can help him by the way.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Vash » November 20, 2012 12:01am | Report
Don't put him on LoL, it's simply a watered down Dota.

Honestly, for most new players to MOBAs their biggest problem is that they don't know what to do, and they don't know WHY they don't know what to do. For example, when I first started playing I had no idea how to use a Tango. I had asked people, but they gave the typical "lol noob" response. Simply put, my gaming suffered for a short period until I finally found people willing to help guide me through the basics. After three just games of tutelage I was sufficiently past the "learning curve." It doesn't take much, just someone who's willing to help.
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