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Hero Creation Contest: Your Dream Hero Winners!

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Forum » News » Hero Creation Contest: Your Dream Hero Winners! 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » January 8, 2018 9:48am | Report

We are happy to announce the winners of our Dream Hero Creation Contest!

We're glad to say that we've never received so many submissions, thank you all for participating and for being awesome! It has been a tough week of judging and we're finally ready to reveal the winners. Before moving on, we would like to say that we greatly enjoyed reading your creative concepts, they could be a source of inspiration even for Icefrog himself!

Grand Prize Winner (Arcana Of Choice)


Congratulations to our grand prize winner, delta17, the author of Alryca, the best concept of this edition! They will receive an Arcana of choice and the special Holiday Hero Creation Contest badge. Hooray!

Alryca is one of the most complex hero concepts we've ever seen. She has a total of 12 abilities in her arsenal and they can be enhanced based on the element of the last ability used. The elements that influence her spells are fire, water, wood, metal and earth, each granting unique boosts to Alryca's abilities. From the extra information provided by the author, we can conclude that Alryca is great at combining her abilities to damage her enemies in every way possible. Of course, a hero with such complexity requires proper practice to be played effectively, but that's the beauty of DotA!

Honorable Mentions (Frostivus 2017 Treasure)
Congratulations to our honorable mentions! They've created some wonderful hero concepts, keep up the great work!

ChunkyMaru - Azura, the Shadow Ranger
Azura is a ranged Agility hero that is best played on the middle lane as a core role. She's able to clear creeps waves and efficiently farm thanks to her first ability, Black Ethereum, which can also be used to harass her enemies. Let's not forget that it grants her a Bolt Charge, which is crucial for the Shadow Ranger's damage output. Her second ability, Shadowform, can be used both defensively and offensively. It can be activated to flee from unfavorable fights but it can also be used to chase and to turn any unit in the way ethereal. Azura's third ability is Shadow Prism, which is an aura that grants her allies a passive kind-of Blademail that returns a small part of damage received. I've mentioned Bolt Charges previously, here's when they come in! Azura has an innate passive ability called Multi-Shot Crossbow, which consumes one bolt charge for every time Azura attacks. Bolt Charges regenerate over time and having 0 bolt charges available disarms the Shadow Ranger. Her ultimate regenerates all of her Bolt Charges while also isolating the enemy target it's used on, preventing their allies from helping them.

Blackgaze - Timemancer, The Overseer of Time
Timemancer is a ranged Intelligence hero capable of altering the past, present and future for his team's advantage. His main role is support since he's strong at protecting his teammates and harassing his enemies. The first ability of the Timemancer is Clockwise, which deals damage or stops the enemy target that passes through it based on the position of the minute and hour hands. This ability can be used effectively to block pathways of enemies trying to escape or to punish heroes that are chasing your team. His next ability is Time Damage, which can be used both on allies and enemies. When used on a target, if allied they gain attributes, if foe they lose attributes. This ability also works a passive, granting bonus damage to all of Timemancer's teammates based on the current in game time. Moving on to the next ability, Echo, when activated whenever Timemancer successfully casts a non-ultimate target ability, an illusion is summoned that repeats the ability used. And finally, his ultimate, the game decider, Past Shadows! When activated, ghostly silhouettes of all nearby heroes from the last 5 seconds are summoned to repeat all their movements done near Timemancer. In this time, Timemancer and his team can damage them with amplified effects. Crazy!

Yzreel - Vishkar, the Architect
Vishkar is a ranged Intelligence hero that fulfills the roles of disabler, ganker and escape. His abilities revolve around Cosmin Foundations, which can be placed just as a ward that produces no vision. His first ability is Heaven's Gate, which creates a wall that connects two foundations, blocking any projectiles, vision and movements from the enemy heroes. In addition, whenever an enemy hero comes in contact with Heaven's Gate, they get slowed and knocked back while also getting damaged. His next ability is Hell Inferno, which can be used both on enemies and on a Foundation. When used on an enemy, they receive pure damage and the Inferno debuff, that deals damage over time, reduces resistance and reveals the target while rooting them. When cast on a Foundation, the projectile will head towards the Foundation and move on to the next Foundation. Moving on to his next ability, Limbo Dome, which creates a dome near each foundation, switching the position of all the heroes inside the domes with each other after a time. And finally, his ultimate ability, Planeshift! Vishkar is able to teleport to any foundation after a short channeling time, while also increasing the cast range of Cosmin Foundation and the maximum range between the Foundations.

kurlb - Symus, Conductor of Music
Symus a ranged Intelligence spell caster that excels at dealing magical damage and scouting the whereabouts of his foes. His first ability is Pervasive Pitch, which deals damage in a line to all the enemy units caught in the path. Whenever a hero is hit, the wave explodes and deals damage to units surrounding the hero hit. It can be reactivated after 2 seconds to deal additional damage, but it will cost additional mana to do so. Moving on to his second ability, Vivace Rhythm, The Composer throws his magic baton to deal area damage around him. The damage is dealt across 4 seconds and once the full damage has been dealt, the spell effect transfers to a nearby random enemy unit and repeats its effect. His third ability is a passive called Cordian Crescendo, which grants him charges every time he casts a spell, charges that grant him additional attack range and magic damage per attack. Whenever an enemy unit is hit with Crescendo Charges, Symus regenerates mana based on the spells he's used to gain the charges. And finally, his ultimate, the Silent Opera! Symus reveals to himself the position of all the enemy heroes in a large radius, enabling him to gather information for his team and to hunt his prey with increased movement speed. Symus receives 2 charges of Crescendo for each spell used and some of his abilities are enhanced during the Silent Opera.

RGBKnights - Jill "Lumber" Jackson
Jill is a strength hero with a medium attack range, using the trees to her advantage. Her first ability is called Timber, it enables her to chop down trees to block pathways and damage enemies hit. This ability can be quite devastating in the forest, since you have all the tress you need at your disposal. The next ability is Harvest, which allows Jill to chop down multiple trees in order to gather Lumber, which later on can be sold for gold. This is a very interesting ability since it greatly boosts the farming potential of Jill. Thinking about it, she can farm the forest without needing to kill neutrals, but that would sacrifice quite a lot of experience. Let's not forget that Lumber is dropped upon death and it can be picked by the enemies, high risk high reward! Moving on to the next ability, Forest Walk is a simple passive that enables Jill to easily walk through the forest, having unobstructed movement through tress. If the passive is broken, Jill can get stuck in the tress though. Her ultimate ability is Hurlbats, Jill throws her axes in front of her dealing damage in an area based on her current state. She has two states, Focused and Fury, which both affect the damage and area of Hurlbats. Versatile!

How to Claim Your Prizes (It's Pretty Easy, but We Need Some Info From You)

  1. Look for our email in your inbox and reply to it with your Steam Profile Link

  2. Expect to receive a friend request from our community manager Hades4u, make sure to accept his friend request

  3. Once you’ve been added, you’ll receive a direct trade invitation or a trade offer, depending if you’re online on Steam or not at the time of the prizing

  4. Enjoy your goodies!

We would like to thank everyone for joining our contest and for being awesome! We hope that you enjoyed this contest as much as we did and you can expect more contests of this kind coming soon. Let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for us to improve the quality of our future contests!
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by lonelyfreak » January 8, 2018 11:17am | Report
It would be really appreciated from those of us that didn't quite make it to get some feedback on where we fell short (or I would anyway).

I really tried to get as much feedback as possible running up to the deadline but only received a few opinions. Which obviously weren't enough to get the hero to a place capable of winning.

Thanks for running these contests, they are a lot of fun!


Notable (7)
Posts: 44
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by namia_ » January 8, 2018 3:40pm | Report
Congratulations to the winners!


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AttackHelicopter » January 9, 2018 1:20am | Report
I'm not really expecting to win but to see one of my bets here it feels the same, GG to everyone till the next contest I suppose


Notable (1)
Posts: 81
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Magnus Magus » January 9, 2018 5:06am | Report
Is there some way we can view our scores or get criticism from the judges for our heroes?
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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The Magnus Magus

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » January 10, 2018 4:37am | Report

Is there some way we can view our scores or get criticism from the judges for our heroes?

You can contact the judges through a private message or on Discord to ask for feedback. :)

lonelyfreak wrote:

It would be really appreciated from those of us that didn't quite make it to get some feedback on where we fell short (or I would anyway).

I really tried to get as much feedback as possible running up to the deadline but only received a few opinions. Which obviously weren't enough to get the hero to a place capable of winning.

Thanks for running these contests, they are a lot of fun!

If you're not getting enough feedback, feel free to contact the judges or other participants through private messages or on Discord, I'm sure people will be happy to help! Also, be creative and involve your friends! They're the most honest and might be the best at helping you.

Let me know also if I can help! :)

Hope to see you all in our next contests, you're all awesome!
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Distinguished (296)
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Steam: hades4you

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