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HCC-Portals Entry: Cronus The Time Master

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » HCC-Portals Entry: Cronus The Time Master 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AttackHelicopter » June 28, 2017 5:41am | Report

here is the full information bout the hero, though based on feedback i'll change it

P.S most of his abilities are absurd by my standards


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 28, 2017 6:50am | Report
Hey AttackHelicopter!

If you would like to participate in the hero concept contest, you will have to post your hero concept here on our website. We won't accept entries that are posted on other websites.

Thank you! :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by lonelyfreak » June 28, 2017 11:06am | Report
Some of those abilities are really interesting. However, it feels like the hero has 3 ultimates ([W],[E],[R]).

A compliment to start things off, I REALLY liked the [Q] skill. It's pretty interesting, has a lot of uses, and a pretty high skill cap.

For the [W] skill, I think making it only work on non-ultimate skills could help balance it out. It would also have REALLY funky interactions with some heroes. Like can he re-summon Lone Druid's bear and who controls it? There's a lot of these quirks to consider I think.

For the [E] skill, I think that's a REALLY strong spell. It's a cool idea to move heroes, reset cooldowns and health/mana amounts; basically, you can replay a team fight. The radius is massive and the amount of time reversed is quite a lot and all on a fairly short cooldown. I think this should be the ultimate or scale it WAY back.

For the [R] skill, oh man. This is the one skill that I'm most curious about. How does reversing time work? Like would the in-game clock go back? Is this skill global? I think as interesting, lore wise, and as unique a skill this is, don't keep it. I can imagine playing against it and instantly abandoning games if this hero is picked. Imagine you win a team fight, do Rosh, and take two towers down mid, in the mid-late game this may only take 1 min. This hero respawns and in the fountain (with CRAZY regen and some mana items) reverses ALL of that and more. He reverses EVERYONE's farm and levels and kills and deaths. It seems like this skill meant well but I think removing it is for the best.

Hoped this helped and that it wasn't too harsh. Again, I like the concept and a lot of the skills are interesting.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AttackHelicopter » June 30, 2017 3:37pm | Report
lonelyfreak wrote:

Some of those abilities are really interesting. However, it feels like the hero has 3 ultimates ([W],[E],[R]).

A compliment to start things off, I REALLY liked the [Q] skill. It's pretty interesting, has a lot of uses, and a pretty high skill cap.

For the [W] skill, I think making it only work on non-ultimate skills could help balance it out. It would also have REALLY funky interactions with some heroes. Like can he re-summon Lone Druid's bear and who controls it? There's a lot of these quirks to consider I think.

For the [E] skill, I think that's a REALLY strong spell. It's a cool idea to move heroes, reset cooldowns and health/mana amounts; basically, you can replay a team fight. The radius is massive and the amount of time reversed is quite a lot and all on a fairly short cooldown. I think this should be the ultimate or scale it WAY back.

For the [R] skill, oh man. This is the one skill that I'm most curious about. How does reversing time work? Like would the in-game clock go back? Is this skill global? I think as interesting, lore wise, and as unique a skill this is, don't keep it. I can imagine playing against it and instantly abandoning games if this hero is picked. Imagine you win a team fight, do Rosh, and take two towers down mid, in the mid-late game this may only take 1 min. This hero respawns and in the fountain (with CRAZY regen and some mana items) reverses ALL of that and more. He reverses EVERYONE's farm and levels and kills and deaths. It seems like this skill meant well but I think removing it is for the best.

Hoped this helped and that it wasn't too harsh. Again, I like the concept and a lot of the skills are interesting.

His Ultimate is for me also a dozy its just a channeled undo (kinda like a online chess where there's an undo button that like that)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AttackHelicopter » June 30, 2017 3:41pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Hey AttackHelicopter!

If you would like to participate in the hero concept contest, you will have to post your hero concept here on our website. We won't accept entries that are posted on other websites.

Thank you! :)

No worries I also dropped this on r/dotaconcepts under the pseudonym Johnmegaman72


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Posts: 81
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AttackHelicopter » July 1, 2017 6:56pm | Report
If you are not just seeing this its now been updated and reworked a changelog is now in the hero's concept page


Notable (1)
Posts: 81

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