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i'm new to the game and i need advice

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Forum » New Player Help » i'm new to the game and i need advice 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Tsuni » December 3, 2017 2:47am | Report
Hi, as you read from the title i'm new to dota and i need an advice; better to say that i need a big help cause i don't understang like nothing about the game, 0 about what should i do in lane or out of it. For now i play randomly but i would like to understand more so... please help me


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Safecyn » December 3, 2017 8:48am | Report
Heya! Welcome to Dota. We all suck here, even the professionals, so don't worry about it too much. There are a few general things you can do to improve your game without getting into specifics, so I'll go through those now.

- Read Purge's excellent new players' guide, "Welcome to Dota, you suck." You can find that here:

- Find two or three heroes you enjoy the playstyle of and play games against bots with them. Get a good feel for what their skills do and what their strength and weaknesses are so you have a set of comfort heroes to fall back on.

- Play every hero at least once, even if it's just against bots. Being generally familiar with every hero in the game will stop you from being surprised by what a certain hero can do.

- The two mechanical skills you can probably work on to maximize your returns right now are last hitting and map awareness. Get into the habit of checking the mini-map two or three times a minute and get an understanding of where all the heroes are on the map. That way you won't be surprised by ganks, you'll die less, and those improved last hitting skills from all the practice will get you lots of farm!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by JamesWilly » June 12, 2018 3:07am | Report
Tsuni wrote:

Hi, as you read from the title i'm new to dota and i need an advice; better to say that i need a big help cause i don't understang like nothing about the game, 0 about what should i do in lane or out of it. For now i play randomly but i would like to understand more so... please help me

Hey I am new to DOTA2 as well, I think you should watch youtube videos rather then text guides as they are more detailed. Also watching professional players( watching tournaments) help a lot!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AHungryEminem » October 13, 2018 10:32pm | Report
There's a built in tutorial for dota 2. If you want to learn a specific hero, play against bots solo since it'll give you a less stressful version of a full on 5v5 for you to work out how the hero works. there are also guides ingame. Personally, torte de lini is the best general guide you can get on how to play the hero.


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