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Forum » New Player Help » 2 questions... 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cyclosis » December 16, 2012 1:15pm | Report
Hi here. I'm not new to MOBAs at all (played LoL for 2 years and keep playing it) and I play DotA2 since ~6months.

When I started playing, I selected the "new player" option. So I started playing with begginners.
But... They suck ! Its normal because they're beggining, but i lose a lot of games because of new players that dont play very well and feed a lot, so my question is : what are your favorite champions to carry the game "alone" ? I tried Pudge, it works well but i can't play mid everytime.

Another question is : WTF AUTOATTACK HARASS ? Sometimes when i go mid with a melee like Pudge or Timbersaw, I got destroyed by ranged like Dazzle or Clinkz who hurt a lot with these auto... I tried to start with a stout shield but it is not enough, cant pick a last hit without being harassed to hell...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » December 16, 2012 1:23pm | Report
DotA 2 is an ARTS ( Arena Real Time Strategy ), not a MOBA.

My favorite heroes, not champions, they are called heroes, to carry alone, are Sven, Slark and Lifestealer.

Well, the single way to stop harrassers is Stout Shield/Poor Man Shield/ Vanguard. Just buy a lot of regeneration, that will keep you on lane as much as possible.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cyclosis » December 16, 2012 1:26pm | Report
ARTS and heroes. Sorry for using the bad names.

Sven can really carry alone ? as a carry, he needs to farm a lot, and LS too ? Why these carries especially ?

I'll try Slark, i've already played him and i pretty Liked it :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » December 16, 2012 1:29pm | Report
It's alright, trying to help you learn the terms of DotA :p.

Yeah, Sven can carry alone, his cleave and huge damage can destroy enemy teams. Especially with the critical of Daedalus. He can kill the whole enemy team in 3 cleave hits.

Lifestealer can carry alone because, he has a HUGE natural life steal, that also deals damage based on the enemy hero's current health. Also, he has a free Black King Bar + attack speed from the Rage. He can also heal himself eating a creep in the battle. Or enter an team mate for a surprise attack. Also, he has a long 70% slow that gives life steal to the whole team. He's really good, also he can jungle from level 1, in public games, no one will counter his jungle! Especially at low skill level.

Good luck! :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » December 17, 2012 3:27am | Report
Honestly I find Sniper to be the most obnoxious carry, you can safely farm from a distance, you can apply an AoE slow if they chase and usually Shadow Blade is core, you also have an easy KS ult so you can rack up early kills and you're the carry so they shouldn't complain...too much, a pub is still a pub. So pick, Sniper. xD

Same goes for Necrolyte, he's a tanky carry and can harass without having to actually melee. He has a Swain passive to spam with mana, and just like sniper, his ult is an execution.

I'd also recommend Slark, because in most games at your level of play, people probably won't ward and you'll have an easy time regenerating and being mobile, just make sure in laning phase you get a ranged partner, ideally you'd want a ranged support but I know that everyone picks a carry in low priority...

Good luck.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AkiTsubasa » January 20, 2013 10:21pm | Report
First, they answer most of your question so i just mention some of it
pudge not necessary to mid, and he is not carry(you only need to make sure u kill enough and get enough level, from the kill)
when you attack enemy hero(this happen when u click them, not hit them, difference compare to LoL, and also creep respond will be slower sometime due to their small brain)
from my opinion, sniper quite useless at the starting of game since his last hit damage is low


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