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Quas - When Invoker reaches level 6, he gains a bonus level of Quas without spending a skill point. Also increases its max level up to 8. Aghanim's Scepter grants 1 additional current level, and increases max level to 10.
Additional Information
Cold Snap - Invoker heals for 13 - 130 health (depending on level of Quas ) whenever Cold Snap triggers.
Ghost Walk - Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter. When cast, the effect is also applied to all allied heroes and forge spirits within a 600 radius. Allies and spirits have a 0.5 s fade time and 20 s duration.
Ice Wall - Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Shard . Enemy heroes that stay in Ice Wall for longer than 3 s freeze, becoming rooted for 1.5 s and taking 300 magic damage. Also increases wall's radial thickness by 40 and length by 160 .
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