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Wex - When Invoker reaches level 6 , he gains a bonus level of Wex without spending a skill point. Also increases its max level up to 8 . Aghanim's Scepter grants 1 additional current level, and increases max level to 10.
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Alacrity - Grants bonus 50 - 140 attack range (depending on level of Wex ) when cast on Invoker or any ranged units under his control.
Tornado - Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter . Tornado creates smaller twisters along its path every 300 units. Each twister lasts for the duration of Tornado, and persists for 4 additional seconds after the tornado is destroyed, dealing 120 damage per second in a 150 radius. Twisters have ground vision in a 50 radius around them. Damage interval: 0.25 s. Damage from multiple twisters stack. Twisters deal half damage to creeps.
EMP - Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Shard . Increases Burn Damage from 60% to 90% and pulls units to its center at 150 units per second.
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