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Zhan and Yhen by clayfaze

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Zhan and Yhen

By: clayfaze
Last Updated: Aug 21, 2018
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Zhan and Yhen

The Spirit Monks


A long time ago. There was a great and powerful Emperor who loves his empire and governs his citizens with love and respect. He, in return, was adored by his people and was idolized because of his good and fair governance. In his younger years, he learned the arts of Ki and studied alongside with monks. He became a master of martial arts and develop his own way of fighting using the ways of Ki.

Several years passed, when he was escorting his elders in their way to their neighbor empire, he saw two young men fighting alongside the road. They were skinny, wearing tattered clothes and was full of bruises and scars. He immediately went and stopped the fight. He was shocked to find out that both men were mute. He could not find out the reason of their fight because both of them can't talk. He grabbed the two and hoist them up with his big arms and gave them each horses. He smiled and decided that he would let them stay in the empire alongside the Emperor to be a successor and as well as a student. He, then, named the two Zhan and Yhen. He gave them two mystical necklaces that has a crystal pendant shaped as a teardrop. He said to both of them that when the time comes, both of them will have to work with each other to defeat evil and destroy dark elements of the world.

Years later, Zhan and Yhen mastered martial arts and learned the arts of Ki. Each of them is unique and has a different style because they believe in different perspective in terms of fighting. They grow and gained weight as they trained under the teachings of their master, the Emperor.

One evening, a disease spread in the empire which made many people sick. One these persons was the Emperor. Both Zhan and Yhen witnessed as their Emperor suffers from the sickness. The Emperor tried to suppress the disease but death is innevitable. Yhen cried but Zhan felt anger as he suspected that a person maybe responsible for causing this plague. Zhan left clutching his fist and his eyes full of anger. Yhen tried to stop Zhan. They fought hard, fist to fist, just to stop Zhan from leaving, but Zhan already decided that he would go and find the culprit behind the plague.

Yhen continued what the Emperor left him, his reign of the empire.

As years passed, a necromancer had planned, along with his army of soldiers, to attack the empire and take it as his own. As the attack commenced, Yhen readied his troops and began the defense. Fight began on the borders of the empire. Yhen along with his troops successfully defended and defeated the soldiers with the help of his Spiritual Bind, damaging and slowing all enemy units in his way. As the fight was about to end, the Necromancer stood up and began chanting spells to disable Yhen making it unable to fight. Surprisingly, Zhan showed up and helped Yhen in the fight. Zhan fought the Necromancer with his Zen Fist but failed to win the fight.

Both Zhan and Yhen stumbled on the ground seeing the vile Necromancer laughing at them. After some time, they remembered what the late Emperor said to them, that they need to work together to defeat evil. As Yhen shed his tears, both of their teardrop shaped pendant lit up began merging with each other. As the new symbol formed, both of their bodies were pulled to the new artifact. A blinding light shone upon the Necromancer's eyes. After the light passed, a new being showed up - it was the late Emperor. It fought the Necromancer with its powerful attacks and eventually defeated it. After the conclusion of the battle, Zhan and Yhen returned to their normal state rejoicing their victory along with their comrades.

Today, Zhan and Yhen continued together reigning the empire following the footsteps of their late master Emperor, showing the strength of their might, keeping enemy countries beyond the borders of their empire.



Faction: The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Agility

Attack Type: Melee
Roles: Carry

Str: 61.2 at 25 (18 + 1.8/level)
Agi: 91.2 at 25 (24 + 2.8/level)
Int: 73.4 at 25 (23 + 2.1/level)

Health: 1309 at 25
MP: 954 at 25
Armor: 13.77 (1 base armor + 10) at 25
Movement: 305
Range: 200 (Melee)

Attack Type: Range
Roles: Support, Carry

Str: 53.6 at 25 (14 + 1.65/level)
Agi: 80 at 25 (20 + 2.5/level)
Int: 63.4 at 25 (19 + 1.85/level)

Health: 1157 at 25
MP: 824.2 at 25
Armor: 10 (0 base armor + 10) at 25
Movement: 305
Range: 500 (Range)

Primary Abilities

Q (Yhen)
Spiritual Bind
An area skill which is cast within a radius of 150 of an area to slow movement speed and damage all enemy units within for 5 seconds. If 2 or more heroes are affected, Spirit Bind is activated to the heroes affected.
: Targeted AOE
: No
Cast Range
: 400/500/600/700
: 85/100/115/130
: 10
Don't separate or you'll regret it!
W (Yhen)
Yang Drive
Yhen starts to focus his Ki to a single target boosting its movement and attack speed but limiting the area he can move.
: Single Target/Channeling (friendly or enemy heroes)
: Magical
: No
Link Duration to friendly units
Link Duration to enemy units
Link Maximum Length
Cast Range
: 3/3.6/4.3/5
: 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4
: 450/500/550/600
: 300/400/500/600
: 110
: 5
Channeling does not break when Ki Transfer is activated
E (Yhen)
Ki Transfer
Summons Zhan, the Yin Monk. Yhen transfer all the Ki in his body to his attacks allowing it to inflict more damage to enemies, however if Yhen cast a spell, skill effect is temporarily removed for 5 seconds. If Zhan is within the radius of 1000 of an area, both Zhan and Yhen channels for 1 second when skill is activated. After channeling, they both switch places with one another
: Active
Damage Increase
: 15/18/21/24%
: 0
"Hello brother! Long time no see!"
D (Yhen)
Spirit Bind
Heroes affected are bound with each other by a spiritual link which doubles the movement slow rate of the affected hero each time they are separated with the link bound to them. It also applies 20 damage per second debuff to the target who are separated with the link. Last 5 seconds. Link length is 300.
: Passive
: No
Movement Speed Slow : 20%/24%/28%/32%
Skill levels the same time as Spiritual Bind. If 2 heroes are affected by the Spirit Bind, the moment one separetes, both of the affected heroes suffer the skill effect. If 3 heroes are affected, the moment one hero separates, only that hero is affected by the skill effect.
Q (Zhan)
Zen Fist
Zhan releases a short range attack from his fist to a single enemy hero inflicting damage to the target. If the enemy hero is affected by Spirit Bind, skill damage is doubled and cooldown is reduced by 50%.
: Targeted (enemy units)
: Physical
: Yes
Bonus Damage
: 70/97/124/150
: 80/87/93/100
: 20/17/14/11
"Want a fist?"
W (Zhan)
Yin Zeal
Each attack he makes causes the target to eventually fear and understand the darkness inside Zhan making them lose 1 armor per attack. When Zhan is affected by Yhen's Yang Drive, this skill becomes active
: Passive
Maximum Attack
Armor Loss Duration
: 3/5/7/9
: 5/6/7/8

Active effect: Zhan starts to focus his Ki to Yhen, boosting Yhen's movement and attack speed but limiting the area where he can move. Also, it immediately cancels Yhen's Yang Drive link.
: Channeling/Instant
Link Maximum Length
Link Duration
: 450/500/550/600
: 3/3.6/4.3/5
: 85
: 5

When Zhan was away from the empire, he devotes his passion to learn the Yin principles.
E (Zhan)
Ki Transfer
Zhan transfer all the Ki in his body to his legs allowing him move faster, however if Zhan cast a spell, skill effect is temporarily disabled for 5 seconds. If Yhen is within the radius of 1000 of an area, both Zhan and Yhen channels for 1 second when skill is activated. After channeling, they both switch places with one another.
: Active
Movement Speed Increase
: 15/18/21/24%
: 0
"You again!"

Ultimate Abilities

R (Zhan and Yhen)
Ki Emperor
Zhan and Yhen is automatically pulled at the targeted location stunning enemies for 1 second on the area as they combined into becoming the all powerful Ki Emperor. Both heroes must be within the radius of 600 for this skill to be activated. If not, both of them runs to the targeted location until they are within 600 radius with each other. Ki Emperor has different set of skills to use in battle.
Cast Range
: 16/18/20
: 400/500/600
: 200/175/150
: 60/50/40

Scepter Upgradable: Zhan and Yhen combines to Ki Emperor indefinitely, removing its duration. It also gains a new skill [D] Discretion which separates both heroes from each other. Upon separation, all enemy units within 350 radius becomes fearful and run to their fountain for 2 seconds. It also reduces cooldown to 45/35/25.

Run for your lives!
Q (Ki Emperor)
One Point Palm
Ki Emperor focuses his energy into a single strike pulling a single target onto the Ki emperor and Blasting it away for 300 units and inflicting damage on the target.
: Targeted (enemy units)
: Magical
: No
Cast Range
Bonus Damage
: 400/500/600
: 100/160/220
: 0
: 4
Push or pull? Which is it?
W (Ki Emperor)
Emperor's Call
Ki Emperor shouts so loud making a battlecry increasing nearby friendly units its damage for 15 seconds.
: AOE/Instant
Damage Increase
: 18/26/34%
: 0
: 10/8/6
So loud, yet so refreshing!
E (Ki Emperor)
Emperor's Request
Ki Emperor has the ability to switch inventory slots of either Zhan or Yhen.
: Instant
Bonus Damage
: *bonus damage amounts*
: 2/1/.5
R (Ki Emperor)
Emperor's Guard
A powerful vestment worn by the Ki Emperor making him immune to disables and status debuffs but still take damage to spells.
: Passive
A worthy vestment to a worthy king!

Hero Talents

Ki Emperor gains spell immunity.
Ki Emperor cast range increased to 500/700/900

Ki Trasnfer becomes instant
Ki Emperor requires no mana cost to activate.

Ki Trasnfer temporary disability reduced to 2 seconds
Yang Drive and Yin Zeal cooldown reduced to 2 seconds.

+25% XP Gain
+25% Gold Gain

A bit hard don't you think?

I was thinking of creating 2 heroes where you can use both of them at level one or at the beginning of the game (YES! 2 heroes as one just like Meepo, but two heroes already at the beginning and have different skills). I got this idea long time ago when i stumbled on a story about yin and yang. They have each of their own 6 inventory slots and does not share stat bonuses and cooldowns for each of their items.

These 2 heroes help each other in fighting enemy heroes, although they have different principles and perspectives, they agree with each other in times of fights and clashes. The core of these heroes is there ability to switch places when they are close with each other. Their primary attribute is agility but gains differently in stats when leveled. If one hero is killed, both hero dies.

The first monk is called Zhan. He is basically the yin monk. He is a melee hero which uses his fist to fight enemies. He uses spirits to enhance every attack he makes to pacify every enemies in his way.

The other one is called Yhen. He is the latter of the first monk - the yang monk. He is a ranged hero which creates a spiritual force using his palm to attack and blast away enemy units.

Their core skill is called Ki Transfer. They focus their mind to transfer their so-called Ki allowing them not only to transfer their energy but also switch their physical bodies with each other. This skill doesn't have cooldown but needs a very little amount of time to channel for it to work. Another drawback of this skill is that they should be within a specific range with each other for this skill to be activated.

Another one of their signature skills is the Ki Emperor. It is their ultimate ability. It lets them fuse or combined with each other forming a powerful emperor for a period of time which has a different set of skills. Again, both heroes needs to be within range for this skill to be activated. Also, since both heroes are combined into one, it has the ability to switch inventory slots of either Zhan and Yhen.

Skills are learned together as one. So, if i leveled Zhan's 1st skill, Yhen's 1st skill is automatically leveled as well. They have their own inventory so cooldowns dont share.

By the way, again, this was inspired by some link i read a long time ago. I can't give you the exact link though because i already forgot about it and it was so long that i could not remember how to search for it anymore. Sorry.

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clayfaze | August 21, 2018 11:55am
how do I upload icons? Sorry im new to this.
TheSofa (54) | August 22, 2018 7:46am
I think you got it, but just in case:

When you edit abilities there's a box that says "icon" - putting a link to an image there will pop it up!
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