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Senna is a mage adept at staying safe while withering down her opponents. She barrages those she must put down with Arcane Swarm and speeds up herself and those she can trust with Scurry Sphere. With full Concentration, she can reach the height of her abilities but this isolated playstyle can leave her vulnerable. The Timid Mouse can always give herself some breathing room when she lays down her Blight to continue her arcane assault. With proper positioning of spells and even herself being important to maximize her impact, Senna can be a useful arsenal in any team that would welcome her otherwise shy nature.
Role: Nuker, Disabler, Support
Strength: 20 + 2.0 Agility: 18 + 1.2 Intelligence: 24 + 3.2 Base Damage: 24 - 30 Base Armor: 0 Attack Range: 600 Movement Speed: 300
Senna was once a regular non-magical mouse, just another plague ridden rodent that had to survive by scrounging garbage and more importantly, stay out of sight of humans. However, continual exposure to the Radiant and Dire stones that had fallen onto their world eventually made her not only larger and stronger, but gifted her with sentience as well. As she explored and watched the world through a new lens, still keeping her distance from others and never letting her curiosity getting the better of her, Senna discovered a latent talent for magic. Soon, she could not contain her excitement for much longer and took her first step into a new world.
Working her way up as the creeps around her, the scared but determined mouse eventually saved up enough to attend a simple magical tuition. There, her natural powers only grew and grew, proving herself to be an excellent student in the mystic arts. All the attention, including scholarships to larger and more renowned institutes, only made her more nervous though. She was an ace student in all her classes, but her quiet demeanor ensured sealed herself in isolation. Her limitless potential for grand magics was only restricted by her anxious and timid nature, something her professors picked up on as she nearly failed her tests. They deduced that what she truly needed was confidence. And confidence couldn't be built in enclosed classrooms behind dusty scrolls. Confidence was gained through experience. And where better to get that experience, than the battle of the Ancients.
Primary Abilities
Arcane Swarm
Fire a magic wave that travels to a point before returning to her.
Living up to her title, the Timid Mouse only reaches the pinnacle of her arcane prowess when she is entirely calm.
Disabled while near any ally or enemy.
Unseen and hidden units will disable it.
Wards and buildings do not disable it.
Affects item spells.
Ultimate Abilities
Passively cause her attacks and Arcane Swarm to deal bonus damage over 4 seconds.
Can be cast to knock away all nearby units, slowing and turning them ethereal for 4 seconds.
Ability: No Target Damage: Magical Damage per Second: 30, 60, 90 Mana Cost: 150 Cooldown: 60, 45, 30 Radius: 1000 Move Slow: 25% Magical Resistance Reduction: 50%
Senna's magic is like a cracked dam. Always leaking and always threatening to unleash the flood.
Damage over time only refreshes with continuous application.
The knock, slow and ethereal affect allies and enemies similarly.
Knocks units to the edge of the radius.
Hero Talents
20% Spell Amplification Aura
Blight Mutes Enemies
Scurry Sphere Deals 150 Damage
Blight Grants Allies Invisibility
+2s Blight Damage Duration
+150 Scurry Sphere Radius
10 Intelligence
15% Magic Resistance
Talent Notes
Level 20 Scurry Sphere talent deals magical damage to enemies in the area upon cast.
Level 20 Blight talent is applies through the active, and will not affect herself. It lasts for the same duration or until they cast a spell or use an item.
Level 25 Blight talent is applied through the passive and active. It lasts for the same duration.
Level 25 Spell Amplification Aura talent grants spell amplification to herself and allies within 1200 units.
Arcane Swarm is a basic spell that has a similar damage pattern to Wild Axes except in just one line. As her primary source of damage that she can throw out from far away, she has to make sure to position such that both paths hit the same target for maximum damage. Concentration is the spell that makes her incredibly powerful as long as she plays to its requirements like Marksmanship, allowing her to spam her spells to her heart's content. It also allows her to scale better into the game since it affects items, amplifying her damage or utility based on her build. The rest of her spells can aid in ensuring this passive remains active, regardless of being used proactively or reactively which is always nice as a safety measure. Lay down Scurry Spheres in lane to continually apply pressure in conjunction with her Q and protects her from ganks. This is similar to a more defensive version of the previous Ice Vortex. It is also a great way to grant allies the same movement similar to a more concentrated Stampede. She can also cast it right on herself to guarantee speed in tighter pinches.
Blight gives her more damage from its passive to its active. The damage over time boosts her threat over time, giving her a continuous stream of damage. The active is pretty versatile in its usage. Used offensively, the effects on enemies can make Arcane Swarm land easier and hit harder, or the displacement on allies can help them engage. The slow may hinder allies but that's where Scurry Sphere comes into play. Used defensively, it guarantees Concentration to kick in while the knockback and slow make it hard for enemies to reclaim that distance. Even if they can, the disarm effect similar to Deafening Blast and Inner Fire additionally hinder their fighting capability. For as good as this spell is given its cooldown for an ultimate, ethereal is always going to be a double-edged sword for allies, so coordination with them is key to making sure everything isn't screwed over.
I could say that this is a solid piece the thing about it is that Blight is more of a basic ability while Concentration is more like it's ult. Plus Scurry Sphere is just way to out of nowhere, this is basically Ignis Fatus mixed with Surge
The ultimate is just a more fancy Inner Fire/Deafening Blast and I could say it's very bad for an ult, FOR AN ULT. The only thing that scales is the cooldown and DPS so with this one I can say that it could be great if it's turned to a basic ability.
Concentration on the other hand is a very interesting concept getting a page from Marksmanship, what I think should be a good thing for the ability is to make it it's ult, with this thing he can play a more supportive damage caster from the sides. An active can be neat as well for this ability (if it becomes the ult) where after a certain requirement (whether threshold or successful landing of spells) your next spell get's a disarm and maybe a mute (with a talent).
Scurry Sphere is bad, just plain bad for me at least because this is just Surge, Seer already does this and is a 100% way better. An idea I have is maybe an activatable spell(Similar to Bulldoze)that gives free pathing(except through high ground to low ground and vise versa) everytime you hit your spell. I mean it's a rat after all, or maybe if you still want to preserve the speedy thing maybe an Ability called Rat Lines where Senna will set up flags(or anything that can be "planted") that cannot be seen by enemies (except through True Sight) these flags can be connected to other flags making a line, when in this line or in a radius of them you and your allies gain free pathing through trees (If you put it in the tree lines) and have bonus speed, this way he can be an excellent gank/escape artist with out the need of setting a ball that can be seen by enemies.
Blight scales few things but the damage increase is quite a lot, considering how free it is. Going from 120 extra passive damage at level 1 to 360 at level 3? That's quite a lot and she even has a an active component that further boosts this damage and guarantees her passive to proc. Also while it is just a more fun Deafening Blast, being able to affect allies is heaps of fun. Think of the engaging or saving potential she has with that.
I quite like Concentration as a basic spell at its current power level given its requirements. Because it doesn't work with allies unlike Marksmanship, the numbers will have to be really high to justify it as an ultimate. And I'm afraid if that happens, the power disparity between her normal state and concentrated state might be too large. It could be supplemented with an active like you suggested, but its current simplicity and neatness is something I prefer. If you really think about it, Concentration is essentially her ultimate with Blight merely supporting it.
Uh, Surge has already been changed to not haste. And to further differentiate it from whatever it used to be, it additionally provides herself haste as an aura if she sticks near it in case you missed that. Also free pathing is an idea I tinkered with but suggested against it because that might be intruding on Spin Web's design as well as making her too similar to QoP in terms of a mobile nuker.
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The ultimate is just a more fancy Inner Fire/Deafening Blast and I could say it's very bad for an ult, FOR AN ULT. The only thing that scales is the cooldown and DPS so with this one I can say that it could be great if it's turned to a basic ability.
Concentration on the other hand is a very interesting concept getting a page from Marksmanship, what I think should be a good thing for the ability is to make it it's ult, with this thing he can play a more supportive damage caster from the sides. An active can be neat as well for this ability (if it becomes the ult) where after a certain requirement (whether threshold or successful landing of spells) your next spell get's a disarm and maybe a mute (with a talent).
Scurry Sphere is bad, just plain bad for me at least because this is just Surge, Seer already does this and is a 100% way better. An idea I have is maybe an activatable spell(Similar to Bulldoze)that gives free pathing(except through high ground to low ground and vise versa) everytime you hit your spell. I mean it's a rat after all, or maybe if you still want to preserve the speedy thing maybe an Ability called Rat Lines where Senna will set up flags(or anything that can be "planted") that cannot be seen by enemies (except through True Sight) these flags can be connected to other flags making a line, when in this line or in a radius of them you and your allies gain free pathing through trees (If you put it in the tree lines) and have bonus speed, this way he can be an excellent gank/escape artist with out the need of setting a ball that can be seen by enemies.
Blight scales few things but the damage increase is quite a lot, considering how free it is. Going from 120 extra passive damage at level 1 to 360 at level 3? That's quite a lot and she even has a an active component that further boosts this damage and guarantees her passive to proc. Also while it is just a more fun Deafening Blast, being able to affect allies is heaps of fun. Think of the engaging or saving potential she has with that.
I quite like Concentration as a basic spell at its current power level given its requirements. Because it doesn't work with allies unlike Marksmanship, the numbers will have to be really high to justify it as an ultimate. And I'm afraid if that happens, the power disparity between her normal state and concentrated state might be too large. It could be supplemented with an active like you suggested, but its current simplicity and neatness is something I prefer. If you really think about it, Concentration is essentially her ultimate with Blight merely supporting it.