Summary: The Devourer is designed as a tanky melee hero with abilities to let it support, initiate or carry. Devourer spends most of its time stacking up its consume skill, with those stacks providing stronger abilities or a health increase. Its first skill is an aoe slow, but if it has enough stacks it will also mini-stun, allowing it to cancel channels if it manages its stacks correctly. Next is Vomit, an attack modifier that grants it bonus range and splash damage, alongside leaving an acid puddle to do aoe damage, but each attack will cost both health and consume stacks, so if it uses this for damage it loses out on health rapidly. Its third skill consumes a creep to give it stacks based on the health of the creep, with each stack granting a little more health, although there is a cap in place for the maximum number of stacks. Devourer's ultimate is useable on allies and enemies. On allies it works like assimilate, allowing Devourer to use its body as a shield to protect a weak ally without consuming stacks, although this slows Devourer considerably and prevents the used of items or abilities. On enemies it instead works like dismember, refilling devourer's health while keeping the enemy banished. Getting a kill with this will give Devourer full consumption stacks, but it is a channel and any disables will allow the target to escape instantly.
Base stats:
Strength: 26 + 2.9
Agility: 14 + 1.7
Int: 20 + 1.5
Health: 720
Mana: 315
Damage: 27-33 (53-59 at lvl 1)
MS: 280
Armour: -2 (0 at lvl 1)
Turn Rate: 0.5
BAT: 1.8
Range: 150
Health at level 25: 2216
Mana at level 25: 690
Armour at level 25: 7
Lore: Alchemists normally try to keep their workspaces sterile, as a few wayward specks of sediment or a piece of leftover residue can easily ruin an otherwise perfect experiment, but after leaving their workshop most do not care about where the results of their research end up. This can lead to terrible problems for those living nearby; the city of Quorm for instace was nearly destroyed when the entire sewer system below the city began to melt and consume the stone above, and in Durim a child lost three of his fingers when he prodded a pile of ooze sat outside one workshop. Most of the time the remnants are merely acidic, and can be transported away from the populace if needed. However, one case led to disastrous results.
A young Alchemist named Xhalchor was trying to create a Golem, in order to pass off his more menial tasks onto a servant. When he was unsuccsessful in his venture he tossed the clay from his Golem into the pile of dross and slag near his house, where it began to develop sentience. However, lacking limbs or locomotion it stayed motionless for a long time, and Xhalchor continued to use his toxic dump, putting all sorts of magically tainted metals and minerals onto the pile. Some fungus began to grow on his pile, and as Xhalchor used the pile to toss his food refuse as well, scavenging animals began to move nearer to the pile. Eventually, an egg was laid by one of these scavengers, the Montis dragon, which could not fly and so instead chose to crawl along the ground and live in cracks and holes it found, using its wings and powerful legs to ambush prey or drag carrion to their lair. The crack where this egg was laid was within the mound, and the consciousness of the aborted Golem found its way into the egg, transforming the embryo of the dragon as it developed inside, twisting the egg and the creature inside. When the egg hatched, the beast that came forth was unrecognisable from its kin, lacking the wings and fire of its brethren, and with its skin tainted a sickly green, the creature began to hunger. The Synthetic part in its mind knew that it was lacking, that it was not a whole Golem and that it needed to repair itself to serve its master, so it began to feed upon the pile of refuse, seeking to expand its mass, to become bigger and bigger.
And so the creature consumed, devouring all that it came across, and stretching its form to more a more grotesque shape. It gained additional mouths, so that it could feed better, and more eyes, so that it could locate any prey that tried to hide. As it continued to grow, it continued to feed from the mound that birthed it, and the chemicals and concoctions that laid within that pestilential mire led it to drool acid and belch noxious fumes and it continued its rampage. Despite this hunger, the Golem within still has a presence, and should a master command it, the Devourer will obey. It is for this reason that the Devourer came to the aid of the ancients, but it is the delicious flesh of the heroes it met on the field of battle that has convinced it to stay.
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