Long ago, all knew Meng Emptybelly as a prodigious mage and formidable duelist. Charming and gregarious, he was liked by all, and well on his way to become one of the youngest spell slingers to ever attained the title of Magus. Until one day, edged on by envious sycophants, overly confident with his fame and fortune, Meng took on a fateful duel that ended his bright future. For unbeknownst to Meng, his "friends" had secretly sabotaged all of his spell components and revealed his plan to his opponent. When the day came, his defeat was public to all in the Wizard Academy. Now bearing the humiliating visage he intended for his enemy, Meng chose to drown his shame in ale and spirit. But his past rivals would not let him off so easily. Everywhere he went, people pointed and laughed at the Failure Mage. He ran and ran, his only wish to find a quiet tavern where he could drink in peace. Finally, deep in the mountains, he found an order of drunken monk who welcomed him in as kindred spirit. There, his reputation died away until it was no more than an amusing tale from a distant land. But Meng's enemies never realized that their doom grew ever closer, for Meng had somehow forged a pact with the Drunken God in his stupor, and now he's coming back to repay all those who had wronged him...
Concept: Meng the Disgraced Magus centers around the risk-vs-reward playstyle. Unmodified, his skills are not particularly impressive, with short range, high mana cost, mediocre damage and cooldown. However, these spells become spectacularly strong with multiple instances of Drunkenness. At the same time, high level of Drunkenness comes with significant risk of the spell misfiring, causing undesirable outcome. Managing the balance between risk and reward to fit in each situation is key to a successful Meng player.
Basic Information:
STR: 21 + 1.8
AGI: 18 + 1.4
INT: 28 + 2.3
Movement: 300
Attack range: 600
Damage: 32-40
Armor: 2
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