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Marci by Sarcueid

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By: Sarcueid
Last Updated: May 5, 2021
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The Wanderer

"For our lovely, and most anticipated character of the whole anime series"

One of the close servants of Mirana. Marci is a quiet, yet brutal fighter. She inherits immerse power from her parents and excels extremely effectively in close combat. After the Great Impact, both her best friends Mirana and Davion were trapped in the Great War of the Ancients. Now, Marci makes her final decision to join the Great War in order to bring back her friends to their homeland.


Marci is a ruthless assassin who captures an opportunity to approach her prey and unleash catastrophe damage without mercy. The position is key for Marci since she lacks the mobile capability. Crescent Kick is her best tool to close a distance from her enemy and push them into a critical situation if the enemy collides with any objects, and opens a great moment for Marci to land her epic combo. It is a great tool to wave clear and deal massive damage on a disabled target. Triple Strike is the main core skill of Marci, allows her to be able to deliver a massive DPS while maintaining the fighting rhythm(heal and boost her move speed in a short duration). Finally, her signature skill Whistle !!! is the best control skill Marci can provide for her teammate.Whistle !!! is a very strong skill vs. hero mainly focus on Evasion. Seed of Life is new mechanic to prevent dead in Dota2, allow Marci to be flexible in vary positions in game.

Roles: Carry, Initiator, Durable
Primary Attribute: Strength
Attack Type: Melee Range

Primary Abilities

Crescent Kick
Marci unleashes a strong arc kick, deals damage to all enemies in front of her. A player has a 1.5 seconds timeframe to reactivate the skill again after the previous kick animation ends. This action can activate up to 2 times. The 3rd kick will stun targets in range for a short duration. Crescent Kick deals bonus damage on disabled targets.

: AoE, Non-Targeted
: Magic
: No
: 90/100/110/120
: 20/18/16/14
Damage per Kick
Damage bonus
Third Kick Stun
: 40/60/80/100(120/180/240/300)
: 50%
: 0.5/0.75/1/1.25 seconds

  • Bonus damage works on stun, hex, root, and slow target.
  • Crescent Kick starting arc width is 40 degree (20 degrees each side from the center point), ending arc width is 140 degree (70 degrees each side from the center point), and arc length is 200.
  • Marci leaps forward 200 units each time she performs Crescent Kick.
  • Marci can perform other actions (use other skills, attack, item, move) during a 1.5 seconds time frame.
  • Skill function: Q(first kick) > 1.5seconds to press Q again> Q(second kick) >1.5seconds to press Q again > Q(Third Kick)
  • Skill will end immediately if there is no new Q input during a 1.5 seconds timeframe.
Whistle !!!
Marci whistles a target in range and marks it. Marci and ally Heroes gain Accuracy when hit a target as long as a target stays in the range of sight of Marci. The buff will disappear after a target is out of the range of sight of Marci for 3 seconds. Marci gains a passive bonus for her range of sight.

: Targeted,Passive
: Yes
: 50/55/60/65
: 14/12/10/8
Passive Marci's vision bonus:
Cast Range
Accuracy Bonus
: 100/200/300/400
: 1000
: 30%/40%/50%/60%

  • Total Marci Vision will be: 1900/900 - 2000/1000 - 2100/1100 - 2200/1200
  • Accuracy works the same as Monkey King Bar, grant each attack 30%/40%/50%/60% pierces through evasion.
  • Block by Linken, and BKB. If a target actives BKB after marked, the debuff will remain on a target.
  • Can be moved by Strong Dispell.
Triple Strike
When Marci hits a target,a Triple Strike debuff stack place on them. Every 3rd stack, Mari will do an enhanced strike, deals a critical strike, heals herself, and increases her movement speed in a short duration.

: Passive
: Physical
: Yes
: N/A
: N/A
Critical Damage
Life Steal
Movement Speed Bonus
Movement Speed Duration
Debuff Duration
: 150%/160%/170%/180%
: 10%/20%/30%/40%
: 5%/10%/15%/20%
: 2 seconds
: 8 seconds
Endless pain in my endless silence

  • Triple Strike will overwrite all proc effects (like Basher, Maelstorm...).
  • Function: 1st hit > 2nd hit > Enhance Strike, then repeat.
  • Apply new stack will reset duration of all stacks

Ultimate Abilities

Seed of Life
Marci fusion her power into a seed of life. She can cast it on herself or ally Heroes. If a target die during its duration. A target will automatically revive after 1 seconds and remove all debuffs. The seed will disappear if a target doesn't die in a short duration.

: Self-buff, Buff
: Magic
: Yes
: 100/200/300
: 140/100/60
Seed Duration
Percent Max HP/MP Recover
Cast Range
: 4/5/6 seconds
: 50%
: 600
The power of life blesses upon you

  • Seed of Life put a target into invincible state for 1 seconds before revive it.
  • Seed of Life cannot be dispelled.

Other Abilities

Marci enters the counter stance for 1 second, blocks all damage taken, and immunes the spell's effects. After the Counter duration ends, Marci gains a 50% damage bonus from the total damage blocked and triggers Triple Strike for her next normal attack.
: Self-cast
: 100
: 30 seconds
Damage bonus
Stance Duration
Buff Duration
: 50%
: 1 seconds
: 5 seconds
No pain for me, but for you.

  • Counter unlocked by consuming Aghanim's Shard.
  • Counter's bonus damage can not be dispelled.
  • Marci can be targeted by Spell during the Counter.
  • The buff will end either Marci hits a target or buff duration ends.

Hero Talents

Seed of Life grants spell immune in 5 seconds
Increase damage per kick of Crescent Kick by 100

Reduce Crescent Kick cooldown by 6 seconds
Whistle!!!: Marked target take 25% more damage from all sources.

35 Attack Speed
7 Armors

8 Strength
20 Damage

Change Log


  • Reduce Seed of Life cooldown by 40 seconds all levels
  • Adjust Seed of Life cast range to 600 all levels
  • Adjust Seed of Life HP/MP recovery rate to 50% all levels
  • Replace Limited Break with Counter
  • Tweak Whistle !!!'s mechanic - now the debuff will stay as long as a target is in the range of sight of Marci. Remove movement speed bonus
  • Remakes talents.

04/18: Remake the Hero based on the feedback and catch more nature of her character in the anime

  • Replace Shadow Kick with Crescent Kick
  • Replace Fist Block with Limited Break
  • Triple Strike life steal rescale from 20% to 10%/20%/30%/40%
  • Replace Final Blow with Whistle !!!
  • Move Cobra Reach to the Ultimate

04/22: Marci is now more like a bruiser support

  • Replace Cobra Reach with Seed of Life
  • Change skill mechanic of Crescent Kick

  • Add new lv 25 talents
  • Increase Whistle !!! amplify damage from 20% to 25%
  • Reduce Triple Strike amplify damage from 70% to 40%
  • Add new lv 15 talents
04/18: Remake the Hero based on the feedback and catch more nature of her character in the anime

  • Replace Shadow Kick with Crescent Kick
  • Replace Fist Block with Limited Break
  • Triple Strike life steal rescale from 20% to 10%/20%/30%/40%
  • Replace Final Blow with Whistle !!!
  • Move Cobra Reach to the Ultimate


  • Triple Strike critical damage change from 120%/130%/140%/150% to 150%/160%/170%/180%
  • Triple Strike rescale from 20% to 5%/10%/15%/20%
  • Triple Strike life steal reduces from 25% to 20%
  • Fist Block duration increase from 1 to 1.5 seconds

  • Move Left talent lv 25 to lv 20.
  • Add new Left talent lv 25
  • Add new Left talent lv 15
  • Move Right talent lv 20 to lv 15
  • Add new Left talent lv 10

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Cuttleboss (28) | October 28, 2021 4:32pm
It happened!

Marci is here. Well done and still a good take on her.

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