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Leshrac by FangzofFuzzy

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By: FangzofFuzzy
Last Updated: Jul 18, 2019
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"By the impure powers of nature."


Nothing about Leshrac really stands out. He deals a lot of area damage with Light Strike Array and a basic Chain Frost plus 2 spells that damage enemies around him over time to the point of redundancy. Of course, boiling down abilities like this makes every hero seem lame, and I agree. Personally, I just really want to redesign his skill set to feel more interesting to play. At the same time, I want them to tie them better to his lore of a creature scarred upon learning the dark truth of life and his theme of malevolently using the elements of nature for his own ends. All this while trying to preserve his feel, strengths and weaknesses.

As a disclaimer, this rework is not intended to balance him but to explore more creative implementation of his abilities, so try not to focus on the numbers too much. Here is the current Leshrac for reference. Any unmentioned numbers are assumed to remain the same.

Primary Abilities

Twist Earth
Rupture the earth in an area to damage enemies within.

They are also rotated to the other side of the circle.

Ability: Target Area
Mana Cost: 90, 110, 130, 150
Cooldown: 8
Cast Time: 0.75 + 0.75
Range: 600, 650, 700, 750
Radius: 300
Damage: Magical
Damage: 75, 150, 225, 300
Rotation Duration: 0.5

Distorting nature to his vile will, the shifting earth ravages all in his path.

Diabolic Edict
Torment an enemy hero, revealing and turning it neutral for 4 seconds.

Enemies around this target will be damaged over time.

Ability: Target Unit
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 24, 20, 16, 12
Cast Time: 0.5 + 0.5
Range: 900
Radius: 450
Damage: Magical
Damage per Second: 40, 60, 80, 100

Cursed with knowledge, the Tormented Soul teaches others the cruel truth of existence and reality.


Lightning Storm
Call lightning to strike an enemy, damaging and slowing it for 1 second.

The storm remains for 3 seconds, randomly striking enemies within.

Ability: Target Area
Mana Cost: 90, 110, 130, 150
Cooldown: 6
Cast Time: 0.5 + 0.5
Range: 900
Radius: 450
Damage: Magical
Move Slow: 20, 40, 60, 80%
Damage: 75, 125, 175, 225

Ever since becoming an elemental being, Leshrac can bend even the weather to strike down armies before him.


Ultimate Abilities

Pulse Nova
Unleash saturated energy waves that damage all nearby enemies every second.

If this hits a tower or only 1 target, that enemy is slowed for 4 seconds.

Ability: Toggled
Mana Cost: 80, 100, 120
Mana Cost: 40, 60, 80
Cooldown: 1
Radius: 450
Damage: Physical
Damage per Second: 80, 140, 200
Move Slow: 20
Attack Slow: 20, 30, 40

Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to another, evaporating anything it touches.


Hero Talents

+80 Pulse Nova DPS
-6s Twist Earth

+2s Diabolic Edict
25 Strength

400 Mana
+2s Pulse Nova Slow

20 Move Speed
5 Armor


  • Let's go through each spell one-by-one, starting with the most different one: Diabolic Edict. Is its current form bad? Not really, but with such a similar in purpose ultimate on the same kit, it all feels quite redundant. So, I've decided to replace it with a completely new ability, with the same name only because it sounds really cool and can still be applied. With this, Leshrac chooses a target to suffer a new kind of status: Neutral. A lot of what this means is already stated in the notes, so I'll just point out the interesting things this brings to the table. Imagine casting this on heroes with tons of AoE like Kunkka, Magnus and Elder Titan. Imagine casting this on a carry against buff supports like Omniknight, Abaddon and Chen. The extra damage based around the target instead of himself to make it more unique and useful for isolation is just icing on the cake. This ability was inspired by the line in his lore of "He alone sees the evil truth of reality, and has no use for those who believe the cosmos reserves a special reward for those who practice benevolence".

  • Pulse Nova remains largely the same. Instead of magical damage, it now deals the missing physical damage from his old Edict. More magic damage isn't wrong, but I always felt the physical damage spell is more interesting. It now also incorporates the missing building damage from his old Edict, so he retains the unique pushing strength he has at the cost of more mana. Overall, it still turns him into a disco pony who walks in the middle of tons of enemies to eviscerate them. However, it now also has a new mechanic if he walks into only one enemy. The slow isn't the greatest but is definitely useful for helping him better chase and survive. Of course, going for this is not as efficient in terms of total damage for the mana cost so there is a tradeoff. Since the slow has a decent duration, he can pick off and tag specific enemies by toggling it on and off, but this also consumes more mana. The isolating power of the new Diabolic Edict also synergizes well with this new component. Overall, these changes introduce more nuance into an ability that was otherwise just a tool for damage.

  • Split Earth is now Twist Earth. It still retains the damage and disable in an area, but the new displacement effect now truly showcases his ability to manipulate nature and foes alike as he sees fit. If you don't understand what it does, just imagine Vacuum but instead of moving them to the center, enemies continue to move through the center and to a point equal to the distance from the center as they were before. With the delay removed but the stun incredibly shortened, the rotation effect introduces a new level of skill. Good use lets him move multiple enemies quite good distances but poor use will turn it into just an average nuke. All this truly makes the spell feel unique and not just a copy of Lina's own area disable. Lightning Storm is reminiscent of its old form but in a style similar to Nimbus. It still damages and slows multiple enemies by 'bouncing' around them, but in a way that feels more like an actual storm and less like Lich's ultimate. It trades some immediate power for better zoning, and the nature of the spell itself compliments the rest of his revamped kit.

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