- Good Disables
- Devastating ultimate that could tilt a teamfight
- Good agility growth
- Can potentially became a potent Snowball
- High damage Burst with accelshot with no chance to miss after getting aghanims
- Weak laning phase with atrocious stats early game.
- Item and Level reliant dying could offset your snowballing capability
- Low Mana
- Lack of good escape mechanism.
- Getting silenced will cripple him severely,
Good Againts
Faceless Void
- Faceless Void's skills is mostly useless on Kino making Kino a hard counter to him
- Accel shot armor ignoring properties counters spectre in the late game.
- Terrorblade does not enjoy the armor ignoring abilities of kino as well as his ultimate because if its well timed it could prevent terrorblade from casting sunder.
- Bristleback is hard countered by accel shot as it will ignore bristleback's passive.
Any other Squishy heroes
- Kino will have a good time bursting heroes with low hp down.
Bad Againts
Phantom Lancer
- Kino limited magazine + needs to use accel shot to do damage in early-mid game could cause him to get overwhelmed by PL
- If got caught isolated spectre will demolish Kino making it a double edged sword
- Riki invisibility can catch Kino off guard as Kino doesnt have any escape ability making him a easy kill.
Anti Mage
- Anti Mage could dominate Kino in early-mid game as he is reliant on Accel shot.
Any Intelligence nuker
- Low HP + Low magic armor spells doom for Kino
Any Illusion Spammer
- Kino cant deal much AOE damage causing him to get overwhelmed real quick.
Any hero that could summon units
- same reasoning like illusion spammers.
Winter Wyvern
- Winter curse can easily kills kino as he is very frail
- Artic burn allows winter wyvern to harass Kino while staying at a safe distance
- Viper harassing ability causes kino's laning phase to become even more difficult. This could cause kino to be offline for a long time
Good With
Faceless void
- his level 25 talent allows him to move inside chronosphere. Same goes otherwise as faceless void can move in time freeze making them having a good synergy wirh eachother.
- Earthshaker could counter heroes that is used to counter Kino with echo slam making him a good ally.
- Fissure can save kino when he got caught in a gank.
- Axe call could be a good tool of engagement for Kino.
- Berserker call can also save Kino when he got caught in a gank.
- Culling blade can finish off low hp opponentz who got nuked with accel shot.
- Time freeze allows jakiro spell to do massive damage with extended time.
Shadow Demon
- Shadow demon could save Kino easily.
- Shadow poison + Accel shot = High nuking capabilities.
You mention a lot of stats on his cons, but it'd be nice to actually see them.
Also, basic abilities in dota have 4 ranks while the ultimate has only 3 ranks, so you'll have to change some things around.