The Marauder should be primarily played as a position 3 or 1. His laning phase is quite terrible especially due to his slow base movement speed (slowest in the game), which might be mitigated somewhat by his high starting armour (highest in the game). All his skills scale really well, especially with armour so obtaining some armour items like blademail, solar crest, shivas and assault should be an absolute priority.
As a position 3, his primary purpose would be to initiate team fights and stun, and also trying to get your enemy to waste time and spells on you. The basic combo is to use Reckless Charge to go in and Tectonic Crush to stun once in position. This is pretty hard to achieve, so a blink dagger is useful. Against heroes that have a low cast point and can interrupt your stun like skywrath or Eul's users, it may be better to cast Reckless Charge first, before blinking in to instantly stun enemies in a 150 AOE. Radiance will be good as your enemy will definitely want to aim you last. Beware of Break.
As a position 1, any items he get will have to be weighted against the benefits of a platemail. Hence, it is pretty interesting as 'traditional' carry items such as daedalus, mjolnir, and satanic may not work so well on him. Assault and maybe Shivas are really good. In addition, due to the glass cannon nature of his ultimate, BKB and even linkens may be neccessary. In addition, Aghanims may be useful here too, especially if taken with blink dagger allowing the blink stun combo to be utilised before he casts his ult (ideally with the no transformation time talent) and being able to cast his Q and W again. Overall his ult has a very high potential for multi-killing enemies if timed well or dying in 2s if used badly. The benefit of him carrying is you have a position 1 that is extremely tanky and very very hard to kill.
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