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Faceless Void by FangzofFuzzy

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Faceless Void

By: FangzofFuzzy
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2019
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Faceless Void


“I have seen the end of time.”


I want to revamp and balance Faceless Void’s kit to achieve several goals:
    - Nerf Time Walk for how strong it is by itself
    - Turn Time Dilation into a useful spell early on
    - Let Time Lock synergize better with his ultimate
    - Lessen the penalty for messing up Chronosphere
    - Add another layer of complexity to his gameplay
    - Rename all his abilities that start with the word ‘Time’
    - Punish him for having no visible eyes

All this while preserving what his abilities are known for and enhancing the theme of time behind them. To those who believe he's not in a state that needs reworking, I'm inclined to agree. I just had some ideas to fix some personal problems I have with his kit design-wise and balance-wise. Here is the current Faceless Void for reference, and any unmentioned numbers are assumed to remain the same.


Strength: 24 + 2.5
Agility: 24 + 3.0
Intelligence: 12 + 1.0
Vision Range: 800/800

Primary Abilities

Time Capsule
Track all damage he has taken in the last 2 seconds.

His next ability cast will consume the tracked amount.

Ability: Passive

"A timely increase in power."

Void Walk
Rush to a location, becoming invulnerable during his travel.

Time Capsule – Grant mana to himself equal to 50% of the consumed amount.

Ability: Target Point
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 24, 18, 12, 6
Range: 900

What may seem like instant teleportation to others is simple time travel to Darkterror.

Wave of Eternity
Dilate time for nearby enemies, slowing them and freezing their cooldowns for 10 seconds.

Time Capsule – Grant health to himself equal to 100% of the consumed amount.

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 30, 25, 20, 15
Radius: 750
Move Slow: 12, 15, 18, 21%

Each moment never seems to end when one faces the Faceless Void.

Aeon Blow
His attacks may stun the enemy while attacking it a second time.

If it is already stunned, this deals bonus damage instead of stunning.

Proc Chance: 15, 20, 25, 30%
Damage: Magical
Stun: 1
Bonus Damage: 30, 40, 50, 60

Every swing of his mace threatens to shatter the very fabric of time.


Ultimate Abilities

Create a blister in spacetime for 5 seconds that he and his units are immune to.

It stuns all other units and freezes their health until they are no longer affected.

Time Capsule – Damage enemies based on the consumed amount.

Mana Cost: 160, 200, 240
Cooldown: 160, 140, 120
Range: 500
Radius: 500
Damage: Magical
Damage Portion: 100, 125, 150%

When a rift opens to Clazusmere, the world itself holds its breath in anticipation.


Other Abilities

When damaged by an attack or a spell, he may heal himself for the damage after 1 second.

Ability: Passive
Proc Chance: 25%

"I see all that has past and all that will pass."

Hero Talents

25 Agility
Gain Backtrack

50 Attack Speed
500 Health

+60 Aeon Blow Bonus Damage
15% Cooldown Reduction

15 Damage
10 Strength


  • Let's start with his new innate ability that he's given up his sight range to gain. Time Capsule incorporates the mechanic from his Q that we've become familiar with, turning the clock against his foes when timed well. The bonuses this fancy new hourglass provides is based on the ability cast, which will be covered more in-depth later. What's important to note now is only one spell can benefit from the damage taken at a time because it resets the counter to 0, so he must choose wisely on which bonus is best for the present situation or even for the any future outcome.

  • Time Walk is now Void Walk, remaining relatively similar except for how it interacts with his innate. Instead of healing himself based on the damage taken, it now returns mana that can potentially offset the cost or even cause the spell to refill mana. Note his lower Intelligence so if he wants to keep casting his spells, using this for the mana gain becomes even more important. As a base spell, it is arguably better for mobility and retaining its invulnerability allows it to still be effective for survival. Time Lock is now Aeon Bash, with better numbers all around. The important distinction now is that aside from the extra attack that will always be there, this now triggers either the bash or the extra damage on the first hit. What this means is that this passive is still great for disabling and nuking, just usually not both at once so permabashing a target is tougher. Like its current form, the extra attack can trigger the passive itself so since they're already stunned from the bash, this attack is set up to deal the bonus damage. This also applies if he has enough attack speed and luck. This iteration allows Faceless Void to be an interesting ally to those who possess stuns, or to mimic the synergy it used to have with his ultimate that focused on dealing more damage.

  • Speaking of which, Chronosphere is now Chronosphere. Not much has really changed, with a static duration on all levels since it can negatively affect allies so mastering this spell won't ever really feel like a drawback. This ultimate now also gains greater radius in exchange for a shorter cast range and a missing haste, which ensures despite not having the added speed, he himself will always be inside the sphere upon cast. A big change is giving it a nuke when triggering Time Capsule, making him an even more formidable foe and amplifying its zoning potential when the timing is just right. The biggest change here is freezing the health of all caught within it similar to False Promise. On one hand, it makes affecting allies less terrible but on the other hand, it makes killing enemies a little harder to do, so it presents itself as a double-edged changed. Keep in mind that like the stun, this effect will not apply to Faceless Void. This is also a double-edged effect where while this means it is not a great defensive tool for himself, he can still stack up his innate during the spell. Understandably, letting himself be affected by the health freeze might synergize even better with the innate but when the last of his basic spells is taken into consideration, that combination might be too overpowered.

  • Speaking of which, Time Dilation is now Wave of Eternity. Huh, a little bit of deja vu there. The healing effect that is missing from Time Walk is transferred to this ability which otherwise remains relatively the same as its current form. Since the heal is now on W instead of Q, learning and even maxing this spell early can be an incredible asset for better survival with how its cooldown scales down. The slow is now always applied even if no cooldown is frozen but no longer stacks based on the number of cooldowns frozen, making it stronger as a base ability while reducing edge cases like Invoker and Morphling.

  • In terms of talents for this revamped Faceless Void, the left side is great for a carry playstyle while the right side offers more options for an offlane playstyle. Increasing your attack damage and attack speed to amplify Aeon Blow can be a lethal combination. If you want to take full advantage of , improving your health is really useful with cooldown reduction to also make time fly faster to use up the added values. Of note, Backtrack continues to be a powerful level 25 talent to survive encounters. The changes made to it give more emphasis on still building up his innate while not being an omnipotent protection against 1 shots.

  • Overall, Darkterror is still a timely force to be reckoned with. With Time Capsule and how it affects his other active abilities, he continues to offer great counterattack potential with an added level of gameplay and complexity. Void Walk remains a great tool to get into fights but doing so consumes his innate which in a fight, where you'd probably want the in-combat bonuses of his other spells more so he must choose wisely. With a lower sight range to emphasize the facelessness of the Faceless Void, he ideally wants to stay near allies who can help guide him in this unfamiliar world away from his home of Clazusmere and hopefully, he should then potentially be less of a threat to them. All this with an increased focus on his theme of being a time-based hero, I hope this rework helps inspire some of you.

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