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Basilius by FangzofFuzzy

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By: FangzofFuzzy
Last Updated: Mar 15, 2019
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The Sealed Magus

Basilius is a close-ranged mage whose mobility and disables allow him to take over the battlefield. Warp is an incredibly versatile tool whose only weakness is its noticeable delay. While Reverberate is his only nuke, it definitely serves its purpose given the low cooldown. Its stun is difficult to hit but is very rewarding for those who can position well. To survive in the middle of the enemy where he is most effective, Reinforce ensures that the Sealed Magus won't be blown up as long as his magic keeps flowing. When the time calls for it, Basilius can Unleash Power to further his devastation and control. Use it to save himself, save an ally, remove an enemy or just cast it to become a nuclear powerhouse, few can survive once his shackles are thrown off.

Role: Disabler, Nuker, Durable, Initiator

Strength: 20 + 1.8
Agility: 10 + 1.5
Intelligence: 24 + 2.8

Base Damage: 14 - 26
Base Armor: 4
Attack Range: 450
Movement Speed: 285

Primary Abilities

Send energies into the ground, damaging nearby enemies while also stunning those close to the edge for 1 second.

Unleash Power: Ability becomes target area instead with 900 cast range.

Ability: No Target
Mana Cost: 125
Cooldown: 6, 5, 4, 3
Radius: 350
Edge Range: 50
Damage: Magical
Damage: 70, 140, 210, 280

With so much power entrapped for centuries, releasing only a sliver of it can result in a devastating pulse.

Mark a location that he will teleport to after 1 second. Upon arrival, reduce the magic resistance and move speed of nearby enemies.

Unleash Power: Cooldown is halved.

Ability: Target Point
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 6
Range: 750, 900, 1050, 1200
Radius: 300
Magic Resistance Reduction: 20%
Move Slow: 20%
Debuff Duration: 3, 4, 5, 6

A simple teleportation spell turns into a tool of annihilation once one is exposed to enough Basilius stone.

Casting spells grant a stack of Reinforcement for 12 seconds. Each stack grants damage reduction.

Unleash Power: Each stack grants damage amplification instead.

Ability: Passive
Damage Reduction per Stack: 6, 8, 10, 12%
Damage Amplification per Stack: 6, 8, 10, 12%

In some ways, prisons protect the world from threats. In other ways, they protect threats from the world.


Ultimate Abilities

Unleash Power
Release his Sarcophagus to imprison a hero with it for up to 10 seconds, banishing them. During this time, he himself becomes invulnerable and augments his abilities.

Mana Cost: 100, 150, 200
Cooldown: 140, 120, 100
Range: 600

The Sarcophagus is a unit that can be damaged by enemies, ending Unleash Power early if destroyed. He cannot move too far away from it.

Health: 1000, 2000, 3000
Armor: 5
Magic Resistance: 15%
Health Regen: 0
Move Speed: 0
Bounty: 150/150
Tether Range: 1500

With his bonds weakened, Basilius gives mankind a taste of what it is to come.


Hero Talents

+200 Reverberate Damage
+2000 Sarcophagus Health

+6s Warp Debuff Duration
+200 Sarcophagus Speed

50 Damage
15 Health Regen

1.5 Mana Regen
5 Armor


Basilius stone is a durable conduit of magical power, allowing magi who wear equipment made of the rare material to boost their capabilities. A grand wizard decided to monopoly it for himself, eventually replacing his own name with it once he controlled all the stone. He fashioned jewellery, equipment and even a castle with the substance, slowly absorbing its power to channel greater feats of magic never thought possible. But power always corrupts. Soon, the wizard believed himself to be an almighty God and planned to conquer the world. As Basilius gave the command, his once loyal subjects devised a coup to stop him in his tracks. They contacted an ancient artisan to fashion them a marvelous ring made of Basilius stone with specific properties. And as he put the ring on as a good luck charm before his plan of world domination, the stone reacted violently to his abundance of magic. Instead of causing his powers to grow, his powers caused it to grow. And grow it did until his entire body was encased in the precious material he adored so much, unable to break free of this prison. With that, the wizard was sealed away where he could no longer do any harm.

It is this ring fashioned in the same way that is now passed to all great practitioners of magic. Not only to amplify their abilities, but to also remind them of this story and the lesson of humility. The circulation of Basilius stone is now controlled by the magical council to prevent any one person from acquiring too much. After all, power always corrupts. So even if a mage tried to find more of this substance, it has been scattered so much that it would be impossible to find a large enough deposit to strengthen them in a way that would justify the effort. Or... is there a way to find a huge chunk of Basilius somewhere in this world? Just waiting to be cracked.

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