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Bane by FangzofFuzzy

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By: FangzofFuzzy
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2019
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“See you in your dreams.”


I want to revamp and balance Bane’s kit to achieve several goals:
    - Less frustrating to play against
    - Encourage casting abilities on different targets
    - More interesting ability combinations
    - Streamline power levels between abilities
    - Clearer thematic expression of fear
    - Better facilitate his right click carry build
    - Punish him for having no visible eyes

Not necessarily in that order and hopefully without making him unrecognizable. I understand that he’s not in any dire need of a rework, so think of this as more of a thought experiment. Here is the current Bane for reference, and any unmentioned numbers are assumed to remain the same.


Strength: 25 + 2.5
Agility: 25 + 2.5
Intelligence: 25 + 2.5
Base Damage: 45 – 50
Base Armor: 3
Move Speed: 325
Vision Range: 1000/1000
BAT: 1.5

Primary Abilities

Lower an enemy hero’s attack speed and primary attribute.

Ability: Target Unit
Mana Cost: 75, 90, 105, 120
Cooldown: 10
Range: 900
Duration: 6, 9, 12, 15
Attack Slow: 60, 90, 120, 150
Primary Attribute Reduction: 20%

All great heroes fear losing what made them so great in the first place.

Brain Sap
Feast on an enemy’s mind, instantly removing their mana.

He then heals himself over the next 5 seconds.

If the target has Nightmare, it will be transferred to himself.

Ability: Target Unit
Mana Cost: 90, 110, 130, 150
Cooldown: 10
Range: 750
Mana Removed: 100, 200, 300, 400
Total Heal: 100, 200, 300, 400

When the mind crumbles, the Bane Elemental thrives.

Put a hero to sleep for 5 seconds, with invulnerability for the first second.

They will awaken when attacked but the debuff will be passed to the attacker.

Bane himself can attack these targets freely.

Ability: Target Unit
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 25, 20, 15, 10
Range: 450, 500, 550, 600

A stolen prowess from the goddess Nyctasha is to put whoever he desires into a deep sleep.

End all ongoing Nightmares.

Ability: No Target
Cooldown: 0

“Sleep no more!”


Ultimate Abilities

Grip of Terror
Grasp an enemy for up to 5 seconds, fearing it for the duration.

Upon ending, it takes damage that increases based how long he had channelled.

While channelling, he pauses the duration of buffs on himself.

Ability: Target Unit
Mana Cost: 200, 300, 400
Cooldown: 120, 100, 80
Range: 750
Damage: Pure
Base Damage: 100, 150, 200
Bonus Damage per Second: 60, 90, 120

Horrifying victims with their worst nightmares sounds like the sweetest of dreams to Atropos.


Hero Talents

-6s Brain Sap Cooldown
-6s Enfeeble Cooldown

+3s Grip of Terror Duration
60 Move Speed

120 Gold/Min
Enfeeble Steals Attack Speed

30% XP Gain
10 Intelligence

Talent Notes

  • The Enfeeble talent that steals attack speed works like how it currently does.

  • The Grip of Terror talent increases its duration up to 8 seconds and adds up to 360 damage.

  • The Brain Sap cooldown talent reduces its cooldown to 4 seconds.

  • The Enfeeble cooldown talent reduces its cooldown to 4 seconds.


  • I'm not the biggest fan of the recent change to Enfeeble. I will admit he is the best hero to add the 'Status Resistance Reduction' stat, but it certainly can feel really frustrating to play against. More importantly, this encourages casting his spells on the same enemy. This isn't inherently bad, I just prefer a Bane playstyle that is specifically encouraged to share the misery among priority targets based on the spell. So the status resistance reduction of this spell has been changed to primary attribute reduction like Whirling Death, making him a truly fearsome creature to face. With the attack speed reduction still there, casting this on Agility heroes becomes even more devastating to reducing their DPS. Meanwhile, Strength heroes become less durable and thus easier to kill while Intelligence heroes have their spell casting hindered as well.

  • If he wants to keep countering spell casters, the new Brain Sap lets him by now eating up mana instead of health. It might seem like a big nerf at first and it certainly is, but think about it: It's in the name, sapping one's brain really sounds like it should sap their mana, not health. While agreeably not as scary without its nuke, it is still effective at shutting down certain heroes by effectively silencing those with low mana pools. The healing it provides is overall higher but since it is now granted over time, it's no longer as immediately strong. Because of all this, his base stats have been raised to drastic levels, making him a competitive hero without needing a spell that can immediately create a 600 health difference between him and an enemy. The last change here is how it transfers Nightmare to himself if he chooses to layer them together, making it not always ideal to do so but if he does, puts him into a nice sleep where he regenerates health and makes him an even less enticing target to wake up. I've always found it weird since the change some time ago where Bane can no longer transfer it to himself, so I want to add that back in if really desires without impacting the reason why this was changed. On the debuff itself, it remains more or less the same with more standardized power between levels. The most important change here is when it is passed: As the attack point finishes, not when it starts. What this means is that it is no longer transfers immediately upon issuing an attack and is now affected by the attacker's attack speed. Yes, that means Enfeeble's attack slow can hinder the ability for an enemy to wake up their ally, encouraging him to cast both abilities on different targets. Note that the attack will still not be launched, so the attack will still not damage the target.

  • Fiend's Grip is now Grip of Terror, a very effective tool for literally pushing an enemy out of the fight like Terrorize rather than holding them down for his team to beat up. Of course with allies who have stuns or preferably roots on their own, it can still mimic the old version. Its damage pattern has also been changed to make it even less like Shackles and more reminiscent of Illuminate. This lets it synergize well with Nightmare on the same target, letting him lock it down by himself at the cost of not allowing anything else to damage it, so this particular combo isn't always the right thing to do but is an option if he truly desires. With the mana part of this moved to his basic ability to be less like Mana Drain, he now pauses the duration of buffs on himself. Buffs like the new Brain Sap and the retained Enfeeble attack speed talent, as well as items he already enjoys like Glimmer Cape, Shadow Amulet and Black King Bar. With this, hopefully Aether Lens becomes less of a priority, though even I doubt that. In addition, he becomes a great carry when paired with steroid supports like Omniknight and Chen, or even other allies like Dark Seer and Legion Commander.

  • In terms of talents for this revamped Bane, the left side is nice when playing as a support while the right side is nice when playing more as a carry. The aforementioned Enfeeble attack speed steal talent is still there and a little better, with a lower BAT to take better advantage of this talent. At level 20, extra movement speed on top of his better base movement speed is great for keeping up with enemies or closing the distance, though the Grip of Terror talent can also help carry builds by lengthening the duration of all buffs on himself. At level 25, he can choose to heavily cut the cooldown of either his Q to affect more targets or W to keep removing mana and healing himself. With a lower Intelligence gain, the choice at level 10 becomes even more important: Speeding up the time required to reach that late game point or adding more Intelligence to sustain those repeated spell casts.

  • Overall, Atropos remains a scary foe to his enemies with multiple single target spells to debilitate them that are still thematically fearful. With all the changes to his abilities, hopefully he gains a playstyle that rewards selecting the correct and different targets to achieve the best outcome. With all the changes to his stats, hopefully his carry build gets to shine more and not just be a meme.

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