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Azvitrael by Erkaderka

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By: Erkaderka
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2018
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The Angel of Life

Azvitrael, the Angel of Life is a ranged intelligence hero who excels in empowering and healing his allies. His first ability, Smite deals damage based on the amount of damage his target has dealt, with potential of being a powerful nuke. Azvitrael is capable of summoning a Well of Rejuvenation to restore the health and mana of nearby allies. The Angel of Life is most commonly played as a support with his third ability, Blessing significantly increasing the defensive and offensive abilities of an ally. Azvitrael's ultimate is Heaven's Light, an exceptionally powerful single target spell that can be used globally to save allies or destroy enemies, however its at its most powerful at a closer range. With strong healing powers Azvitrael can quickly turn the tide of battle and smite any who would seek to harm his allies.

Roles: Support, Nuker
Complexity: ★☆☆

18 + 2.3
17 + 1.4
26 + 3.2
Base health regen - 1.5
Base mana regen - 0.9
Movement speed - 305
Base Damage - 20-26
Base Armor - 1
Attack range - 600
Projectile speed - 1000
Base Attack Time - 1.7

As the light surged through the cosmos a mystical creature arose with it. Determined to spread the light and protect those he deemed worthy, Azvitrael became a champion of his cause. He called himself the Angel of Life, and believed himself to be chosen to give life and take life. Using searing light as his weapon, Azvitrael sows both fear and joy wherever he goes.

Primary Abilities

Azvitrael smites his foes with searing light dealing damage based on the amount of damage the target has dealt in the last 4 seconds. Smitten targets are blinded by the spell, reducing their chance to hit with their attacks.

Damage Type
Pierces Immunity?
Initial Damage
Additional Damage Time
: Target Unit
: Enemies
: Magical
: No
: 60/100/140/180
: 4
Percentage of Additional Damage
Maximum Additional Damage
Target Miss Chance
Miss Chance Duration

Mana Cost
: 20%/30%/40%/50%
: 200/300/400/500
: 25%/30%/35%/40%
: 4
: 100/115/130/145
: 12/10/8/6

  • The Percentage of Additional Damage shows the percentage of the damage the target has dealt in the last 4 seconds that is turned into additional damage against it.

The Angel of Life smites down those who would harm others and disrupt the natural flow of Life. Azvitrael summons a powerful explosion of light, blinding the assailant to prevent any additional strife.
Well of Rejuvenation
Azvitrael summons a Well of Rejuvenation at the target location. The Well increases the Health and Mana regeneration of nearby allies.

Cast Range
Hero Attacks to Destroy
Non-Hero Attacks to Destroy
: Target Point
: Allies
: 250
: 600
: 2/4/6/8
: 4/8/12/16
Bonus Health per Second
Bonus Mana per Second
Aura Linger Duration

Mana Cost
: 10/20/30/40
: 10/15/20/25
: 20
: 2
: 100/120/140/160
: 80/70/60/50

In most dire of times, Azvitrael would create a magical well to aid those in need. The waters from the well rejuvenated the mind and the body, as it overflowed with the raw power of life.
Azvitrael channels blessings onto an ally, increasing him in power. Blessing provides the ally with increased magical damage resistance and amplified magical damage dealt, as well as a chance to deal additional magical damage with his physical attacks. The effects start out weak, but increase in power over the duration.

Cast Range
Link Break Range
: Target Unit / Channeled
: Allies
: 700
: 6.5
: 1000
Maximum Bonus Magic Resistance
Maximum Bonus Magic Damage
Additional Damage Proc Chance
Maximum Additional Damage

Mana Cost
: 34%/46%/58%/70%
: 22%/34%/46%/60%
: 25%
: 170/230/290/350
: 40/50/60/70
: 15

  • Increases in Power in 0.5 second intervals resulting in 13 instances.
  • Provides 10% Magic Resistance initially at all levels
  • Provides +10% Magic Damage initially at all levels
  • Provides a chance to deal 50 magical damage with every attack initially at all levels.

For every soul there is a guardian angel watching it.

Ultimate Abilities

Heaven's Light
Instantly damages an enemy or heals a single ally anywhere on the map. Heaven's Light is more powerful the closer the target is to Azvitrael. Heaven's Light damage/heal value is lessened by 50 for every 500 units the target is outside the cast range.

Damage Type
Pierces Immunity?
Cast Range
: Target Unit
: Allies / Enemies
: Magical
: No
: 500
Maximum Value
Minimum Value

Mana Cost
: 400/500/600
: 150/250/350
: 150/275/300
: 120/90/60

Heaven's Light always heals or deals damage for the full Maximum value, regardless of the distance. If healing an ally the nearest enemy within 1000 units is damaged for the Minimum value, if damaging an enemy, the nearest ally within 1000 units is healed for the minimum value.

The sky shined bright and light burst out saving those who Azvitrael saw worthy.

Hero Talents

+400 Heaven's Light Maximum Value
+40 Well of Rejuvenation Health per Second

+15% Blessing initial Magic Damage
+100 Blessing initial Magical Damage chance on hit

+400 Smite Maximum Additional Damage
+150 Cast Range

+25% XP Gain
+300 Mana

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