Level Health H. regen amp Magic res. Mana M. regen amp Spell dmg Armor Att/sec Move sp amp. Damage |
Base 200 0% 35% 75 0% 0% 2 0.71 0% 21-27 |
1 524 9.9% 36.44% 495 63% 2.4% 7.6 0.96 1.76% 49-55 |
15 902 21.4% 38% 1125 157.5% 6.1% 14 1.33 4.41% 91-97 |
25 1172 29.7% 39,3% 1575 225% 8.8% 20 1.6 6.3% 121-127 |
+ Base health regen Base mana regen Movement speed Turn rate Vision range Attack range Projectile speed Attack animation Base attack time Collision size |
+ 1.75 0.9 330 0.7 1800/800 150 Instant 0.42+0.54 1.4 24 |
: Targeted : Enemies / Allies : Magic : NO : 1500 |
: 150/200/250/300 + 50% AGI : 500 : 250 : 100/125/150/175 + 100% INT : 750 : 130 : 11 sec |
: Instant : Self : Basic Dispel |
: 2 seconds : + 100 MS + 100% AGI & INT : 300 (degrees per second) : 12 seconds : 250 : 15/20/25/30% : 3 seconds : 80 : 11/9/7/5 sec |
: Targeted : Enemies / Allies / Self : Strong Dispel : NO : 500 |
: 75/100/125/150 + 50% AGI : 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds : 100/150/200/250 + 100% INT : 3/3.5/4/4.5 : 180/160/140/120 : 20/17/14/11 sec |
: Ground Targeted : Enemies / Allies : Basic Dispel : Magic : NO |
: 1.5 seconds : 250/350/450 + 100% AGI & INT : 1 second : 3000/5000/7000 : 1500 : 300 : 10 MS per 100 units : 600/800/1000 : 350/550/750 : 240 sec |
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First, I think 1.1 STR gain won't allow her to do anything before getting instantly deleted by a couple of nukes or a random ultimate. And being a melee hero at the same time? I think Rhasta could probably concede his throne as the most dying hero in Dota, lel. YOu should probably buff the STR gain, if you don't want to break the melee fighter aesthetics by giving her a ranged attack.
Water Whip would really like a range indicator at 500 AoE, but I'm not sure if it would work, considering that displaying the range in-game through console has been removed as a cheating feature. But as a personal QoL feature, why not?
Liquid Form raises a couple of questions. Can you get past the movement speed cap? If not, I don't really see the point in getting a flat MS bonus (which gives you 530+ ms without any items), and if yes, it's better to note it in the description. Also Remnant having different day and night vision values is kinda strange, all vision-providing abilities in Dota have fixed values.
Watery Sphere seems pretty good, but again, without clear visuals on Water Whip it can lead to very awkward situations when you launch your poor ally into the whole enemy team instead of pulling them just because you were 20-30 range too close.
And Tsunami. Oof. This ability at first glance seems horribly overpowered, but when you look at the details... It's just horribly clunky. Yeah, the effects might be very ccol, but when the ability is so obvious and predictable, even the dumbest players can react and evade it. And the concept behind empowering it with Remnants, despite being quite clear, leaves me questioning its viability. You need to dangle around the place, setting up Remnants, then backing away to cast Tsunami, then immediately follow it up with another Liquid Form to give it a starting boost... Imagine how much time that would take, and how easy are you to kill during the Liquid Form downtime. (And besides, real-life tsunamis are fast AF bois, don't you think?)
Frankly speaking, I don't see much synergy in Kira's skillset apart from Water Whip + Watery Sphere. The abilities seem kinda all over the place.
So, uh, I guess that's it? I personally think that you have some intersting ideas here, but they need to be brought more in line to interact with each other smoothly. Good luck to you!
I have rewritten the text sections below the abilities to better suit the current state of the Aqua Spirit aswell, but I’ll further explain my intentions behind Kira so that you understand where I was aiming with her.
(ps, we simply need to imagine that Water Whip would have some sort of indicator in game, either as a circle around Kira, or as a simple indicator of whether your moused-over target gets knocked or pulled)
First off I have adjusted the strength gain just a tiny bit. Having +3 Agi +3 Int that are both primary needs some weakness in return… I intentionally want Kira to be thin and fragile when it comes to health pool. I think she can make up for it with Liquid Form in the hands of a skilled user - dodging many harmful effects very often. She will also most certainly want Linken Sphere every single game, so that will make up for something too… and that ice block in the form of Watery Sphere… and the self sustain against heroes that dont have burst options… she has tons of protective options and her spells are generaly very powerful, so I feel that she needs that glaring HP weakness. When Beastmaster pops her Linkens and yells at her, she will simply die. She shouldn’t have allowed him.
Concerning this and her melee range. I dont want her to be a straight up melee carry that can feel comfortable around hard hitting enemies. But she has an incredibly comfy self-sustain and the whole magic damage part was added in to actually ever make you want to punch at all. I imagined her to be played completely hit-and-run, fighting when its advantageous or picking off fragile backline supports that have just blown up their stuns on other targets. She can get there easily with Liquid Form… and she can get out aswell. The form can indeed make you faster than 550, I have added that in the description now. It is this combination of movement and unit displacement through whip and sphere that need to synergize, the punching is a bonus on the side (but it can spike heavily with the level 25 talent - it indeed affects both the restoration and the damage).
I have changed the Water Remnant functionality completely. It behaves much like Storms Static Remnant right now, but slows instead of damaging. This way Kira can actually charge directly into her enemy, who will consequently be slowed, purged off of buffs and as such prone to her punches for a while.
The Tsunami was probably really badly designed from the get-go. I have made it so that it doesnt interact with the Remnants at all, and now it is a massive standalone spell, just as it should be - a trait from the spellcaster side of Kira. It no longer stuns for the sake of cc, but rather as a ministun or a minor inconvenience. It also doesn’t heal anymore, only dispels. Its speed is gradually increased as it moves forward, reaching fast AF levels soon after it is unleashed. Still though, its opness lies mostly in its size, but it can be avoided by magic immunity, blinking over it, or simply running roughly 750 or less units to the side, if you aren’t in the middle of a Fiends Grip party at the moment ofcourse. Just to make sure though, I pumped up the CD to astronomical levels to sorta justify its “size”. I think this is the most stable version of Tsunami yet, and I will most likely need to update the numbers only coming forward.
And finally with the synergies… Liquid Form synergizes with everything. It synergizes with your existance in Dota :) Whip and Sphere synergize together and obviously with the Form aswell. Tsunami feels much more standalone, but imagine surfing forward in its thrown direction and then pulling dudes that run away straight back into the path, or perhaps surfing out, sphering them and flinging them right into the wave, they would land on the other side, damaged, stunned, most likely in the middle of your team. The Inner Balance then obviously synergizes with your entirety, providing you with the stats. As for the punching itself, Form takes you to and away from your enemy, or you can pull them with whip, or rather push them away when you dont feel like punching them anymore, or you can Sphere yourself once the enemy team turns on you and then Form away…
I think Kira’s abilities synergize reasonably well, now that Tsunami isn’t straight up stupid anymore. You can be anywhere at any time, and you use your attacks and abilities accordingly. And if you get caught in Shackles and die, you weren’t wet enough :)
Thanks again, it always helps so much to get a review like this since it actually makes me change her. I think she is in a good spot but then after the incentivized change I end up liking her much more. Let me know how you like the changes, or if there are any other I could make.
Liquid Form got an amazing overhaul and I think it would be one of the most satisfying abilities to use in-game. Just imagine Kira completely embracing her watery nature and surfing forward, leaving a short trail behind her, shifting her stance a bit for every turn you take… and then at the end literally stepping out of the watery avatar and leaving it behind as the Water Remnant itself. I know it is probably a bit too strong, or bonkers op with the level 20 talent, but it’s just my dream of the perfect movement ability :)
Tsunami got adjusted even more and now directly needs the Water Remnants to pump up its values for almost every aspect of it. This further establishes it as a long and heavy spell, needing a long and heavy setup, hopefully landing a heavy impact. You would still be incentivized to skill it every time due to its massive cover distance upgrade with each level, despite its damage staying the same and progressing with your stats. I’m quite happy with the ability right now but I can indeed change it anytime should I think of something better.
Finally, I urge you all to comment your suggestions if you have any, for it may inspire some balance or fun mechanics changes, or even a new hero concept in the future. Thank you guys, stay liquid.
I know you said you're not great with numbers but...
TSUNAMI is extremely powerful and would put
- The name is a stylistic choice (but could be shifted to something like Karin for the purposes of continuity) and to be honest, I can’t even remotely imagine that the fourth spirit will be another dude, that would feel dull (for me anyway), as water seems like a perfect feminine element - being wild and emotional. Monkey King is a jester and might actually tease the spirits, that is my shady excuse :) And the color scheme wouldn’t be just another Storm - he is deep dark blue, Kira would be turquoise/marine/clear fresh ocean water colored - with almost transparent touch.
- I added some Watery Sphere functionality, as you were right it felt totally shallow for any skill investment consideration, but I actually feel that the spirit’s current design is overpowered as she already has incredible utility at her command. I don’t know if you thought about the Liquid Form (could ofc be renamed for continuity aswell), but it is absolutely nuts op, and was the thing that I first thought would allow her to punch people aswell. The thing is as you said… why would you even want to do that with no damage, thus I spiced up the Inner Balance passive aswell, but I think now we will need to tone down something else. After all 1.4 BAT is Jugg level… and 330 MS is almost Ench - I wanted her to feel comfy in the offlane, that’s why her actual punching-power wasn’t that great.
- The Tsunami comment was imminent, the thing is I didn’t want to explain the whole “animation” in a skill description :) So here we go. (I toned down the speed so that you actually need the Remnants to make it “unavoidable”).
First off it would have a 1.5 sec channel, similar to Pango’s spin-up animation, but it wouldn’t consume the CD if stunned ofc. At this point it would play global sound effect as an additional warning. Then the giant difference is that Ravage = Blink-Stun-Bum in a matter of 1 sec, people often don’t even get the chance to BKB. Tsunami on the other hand would literally walk at you. The size is indeed massive, thats what I wanted it to be, but it doesn’t pierce immunity and most importantly, you can reposition. Imagine Kira throwing the Tsunami down from HG when defending. The attacking team would simply back-up or spread to the sides, completely sidestepping it before it can reach them. It would only catch you by surprise if thrown from trees on the edge of the map, but that is too niche to consider abusable. In this respect I actually consider Tsunami the least overpowered of Kira’s abilities, serving much more like a massive zone denial than incredible cc.
- Long channel time, everyone always knows if its coming, not very fast (atleast now, after tweaks)
- Can be BKBed
- Can be blinked over or ignored through some defensive abilities
- Could be even pro dodged through Manta (it is a one-time wave - it is 1500 units wide, but like 50 units thick - straight line effect)
All and all, thanks for comment, I’m sure I will adjust her many more times if other people post their ideas aswell. Don’t worry about the lore continuity too much, the devs would indeed apply their backstory, names and everything… this is me playing around. I actually included the catastrophe of the Island of Masks as its pivotal point though, so I think that seems like a fun idea atleast. Let me know if you think of some other improvement. Have a nice day.