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2 Votes

Brewmaster - You can't leave

April 27, 2012 by ogichikensei
Comments: 3    |    Views: 19183    |   

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space_jazz | May 8, 2012 8:37am
Yeah it's true. Auras goes to the earth spirit and gives aura effect to the others. it's awesome!
space_jazz | May 8, 2012 5:04am
If I dont wrong auras from Panda goes to the Earth spirit in ulti.
If Earth die auras goes to Storm, etc.
imo Drum is good choise
dmnRO (1) | May 1, 2012 4:26am
1) Why start with a magic stick and rush a magic wand? You play with stats, the magic stick can wait. The best thing to do when you play panda with stats is to have a Ring Of Basilius. So you start something like this: Tango, Ring of Protection, 3xGG Brances and one Clarity potion. You buy Sage's Mask from the side shop and you get a fast RoB that along with stats helps you have mana to clap clap clap. Magic Wand is good when you go in the gank phase of the game. Having it early and waiting to use it just to escape ganks... just not worth it. Plus RoB is a component of Vladimir's Offering.
2) You should make Vladimir's Offering only if your team needs it and none can do it. If you have a melee hero like Lycan, Ursa, that will do the Vladimir you should get a fast Urn of Shadow, because in the title you said sexual harrasment, and Urn will allow you to harras, heal yourself and have mana to clap clap clap. So if Vladimir's not needed start with 2x Gauntlets of Strength, 2 Tango. And buy Sage's Mask from the side shop.
3) You did not explain at all how to use the Panda's from the Primal Split. How to play with them. Many people don't know how to play them, they just use Primal Split to escape and not to make frags. And speaking of escape you did not tell that with Primal Split you can avoid many targeted spells. You did not covered at all the Primal Split. Also you suggest the same item build that is suggested in game in the HUD of the shop when playing Panda but they got it wrong. You have to many support items in this build, you want to much speed. If you have Phase you don't need a Drum. Why make Drum and Vladimir's? Pick only one. Your auras won't be when you use Primal Split so if the team relies on your aura's they wont have any.
4) I like that you explain how to retreat with Panda but you don't explain how to harass.
I did not voted.
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