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A full guide to Meepo

January 14, 2015 by Snowbreath88
Comments: 17    |    Views: 26174    |   

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Snowbreath88 | October 16, 2014 4:14pm
Metalpii wrote:

Waiting for the guide to be finished!

I'm really interested in starting meepo in dota 2 but haven't played him many times yet.

When would you say, don't ever get a meepo? Like 99% of people will say against a sven, ember, drow,... while they are actually pretty easy to Counter.

Thanks for the support! Meepo is a fun hero, out of those three, sven is probably the one you have to worry about, with his AOE stun and wrecking damage. Drow only becomes a problem if farmed. And Ember has no counters for Meepo.
Metalpii | October 16, 2014 3:18am
Waiting for the guide to be finished!

I'm really interested in starting meepo in dota 2 but haven't played him many times yet.

When would you say, don't ever get a meepo? Like 99% of people will say against a sven, ember, drow,... while they are actually pretty easy to Counter.
Snowbreath88 | October 14, 2014 9:44pm
TheSofa (54) | October 14, 2014 5:09pm
Snowbreath88 | October 14, 2014 3:41pm
Okay sorry no offense, I just wanna show that I know what I'm doing, thanks for the support! I just don't really know how to use the buttons on Dotafire and such.
Safecyn (32) | October 14, 2014 11:24am
None of your images are loading, no... are you using the built in \[img\] thing in the editor? It also might just be easier to send a hyperlink to the dotabuff page, rather than a screenshot.

Also... that comment was literally a straight compliment. I... don't feel like you gotta prove anything to me. I'm the resident idiot. XD
Snowbreath88 | October 14, 2014 5:33am

(Did the image load? I got a 16 - 1 - 7 as a level 22 Meepo at about 26 minutes)
I'm not taking offense at your comment, just wanna show that I know what i'm talking about. I can post more pics if you want.
Snowbreath88 | October 14, 2014 5:15am
Safecyn wrote:

But this way we get to see it as it evolves and changes into a beautiful, wonderful grouping of wooooooords, Hamstertamer. DONT TAKE THIS FROM MEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Or do. W/e. XD

Welcome to the community, Snowbreath, by the way? There aren't a lot of people with the stones to write a guide, and even fewer who'd make their first one about Meepo.

I am actually really legit at Meepo, usually rampaging or ultra kill, I used to play Starcraft 2 and all that micro and learning from that game transitioned into meepo being my favourite hero and naturally I felt like makign a guide about him.
Snowbreath88 | October 14, 2014 5:13am
Idk I just felt like adding the lore, feels incomplete without it
Moodkill (9) | October 14, 2014 2:05am
Brinlee wrote:

do you like it when the lore is added?

Well sort of, it's kinda old school know what I mean? XDD
Safecyn (32) | October 13, 2014 10:35pm
But this way we get to see it as it evolves and changes into a beautiful, wonderful grouping of wooooooords, Hamstertamer. DONT TAKE THIS FROM MEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Or do. W/e. XD

Welcome to the community, Snowbreath, by the way? There aren't a lot of people with the stones to write a guide, and even fewer who'd make their first one about Meepo.
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