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66 Votes

Twisted Logic's guide to Techies [6.84c]

June 23, 2015 by Twisted Logic
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K0kopelli | April 27, 2017 3:29pm
YO Twisted I have used your guide for a while now even in the new patch. However, I was wondering if you have any suggestions on the changes to Techies since 7.00?
ihatermt | July 16, 2015 2:22am
I Appreciate your guide
It's will help for a new generation player of Techies :D

I think tranquil boot it's importan item after Soul Ring because it will make Techies has nimble movement for early and spread his (****ing Trap) in the whole off map.

Also can give more Regeneration of HP (It;s important if you want to hunt in junggle)

And I think the Bounty Rune it will help your EXP in early so dont miss it.
Twisted Logic (2) | July 8, 2015 3:49am
LorneMalvo wrote:

Hey there!

I think your guide is quite nice, but there's two thing that come to my mind that you didn't cover:

1. Force Staff. Maybe I didn't read well, but there's no mention to the best thing you can do with the force staff: push people right into trap. I can think of two very nice examples to make this work wonders, the first, the utmost pleasure of pushing that poor broke support right into the mines he's trying to clean. The second, is number 2

2. Planting remote mines right under the tower. This is very cool because it gives the mines tower protection, and if you have force staff, you can also stand right in the tower too to defend and wait for fools to come close (depends on line-up obvsly).

Also, I want to add another trick I saw on a very very good tech player, and I think it's one of the most ****ed-up mind games you can pull off. Sometimes, if you have the time, it's better to stack large numbers of remotes one of top of each other. If you manage to pile up, let's say, 15, you can detonate the trap several times, and this is very mind ****ing, because the huge majority of players won't expect big remote chains to blow in the same place for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time.... It takes a lot of skill, as it can only work good with incredible microing to blow the exact number of mines depending of the enemy. If your micro is good enough, 1 by 1 detonation can lead to devastation.

If you put all together you can have a nice picture: tower protection, surprising spot, and force staff to increase risk of coming close.

Hey thanks for the comment.

1. Force staff was covered to this extent in Situational Items Chapter. I think you missed it.
2. Planting mines under tower was covered in Mining Strategies. I think you missed it.

Also, I believe what you're referring to is is control groups (hotkeying stacks of mines and detonating at different times) which was also covered.

LorneMalvo | July 7, 2015 3:08am
Hey there!

I think your guide is quite nice, but there's two thing that come to my mind that you didn't cover:

1. Force Staff. Maybe I didn't read well, but there's no mention to the best thing you can do with the force staff: push people right into trap. I can think of two very nice examples to make this work wonders, the first, the utmost pleasure of pushing that poor broke support right into the mines he's trying to clean. The second, is number 2

2. Planting remote mines right under the tower. This is very cool because it gives the mines tower protection, and if you have force staff, you can also stand right in the tower too to defend and wait for fools to come close (depends on line-up obvsly).

Also, I want to add another trick I saw on a very very good tech player, and I think it's one of the most ****ed-up mind games you can pull off. Sometimes, if you have the time, it's better to stack large numbers of remotes one of top of each other. If you manage to pile up, let's say, 15, you can detonate the trap several times, and this is very mind ****ing, because the huge majority of players won't expect big remote chains to blow in the same place for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time.... It takes a lot of skill, as it can only work good with incredible microing to blow the exact number of mines depending of the enemy. If your micro is good enough, 1 by 1 detonation can lead to devastation.

If you put all together you can have a nice picture: tower protection, surprising spot, and force staff to increase risk of coming close.
Twisted Logic (2) | June 23, 2015 6:34pm

You should fix the Focused Detonate section. As of 6.84 it can be used while dead, it was an undocumented change.

Thanks. Done.
TheGooGaming (29) | June 23, 2015 5:12pm

Not really sure what you mean..

And yes it is.

You should fix the Focused Detonate section. As of 6.84 it can be used while dead, it was an undocumented change.
Twisted Logic (2) | June 23, 2015 4:39pm
TheSofa wrote:

Should do more about mindsets...

And Tusk + Techies is absolutely ridiculous.

Not really sure what you mean..

And yes it is.
TheSofa (54) | June 23, 2015 2:33pm
Should do more about mindsets...

And Tusk + Techies is absolutely ridiculous.
Twisted Logic (2) | June 16, 2015 4:57am
Like masaaki14 said, getting boots extremely starves your mana, crippling you from being able to mine and hold you lane effectively.
masaaki14 (11) | June 14, 2015 2:11am
Youbcan if you want, but techies really starves for mana in the first few minutes of the game, so much that even 3-4 clarities are just barely enough for you to mine.
IF, AND ONLY IF, you like to play techies baumi style, keeping mines as a second piority and being more active in lane and focusing your skill build around suicide squad, then boots might be a legit starting item. But even then you might want to get other items before boots, like soul ring.
sheep sheep | June 14, 2015 2:00am
Is boots a good item for techies as starting?Usually since most people go bootless they cant escape the new mine timer(1.5)it also eases techies first blood
Twisted Logic (2) | May 11, 2015 3:22pm
soul hunter wrote:

The guide is good but i would like to point out one thing that you have not explained how to stack mines on each other exactly. Many a times new players struggle with stacking mines on top of each other. When actually there is a trick .Baunmi explains this in techies game. But overall its a great guide

ummmm...I have? Check the Youtube vids I posted.

This video you linked is old too, as it doesn't have an AoE targeting that Valve patched up, making it extremely easy to stack mines..
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