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22 Votes

Slark, Shiv em all (6.84!)

July 7, 2015 by Master of buttons
Comments: 22    |    Views: 246942    |   

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Nabbanski | March 26, 2015 7:18am
Great guide, just think it needs a little addition in the boots section; tranquils aren't ideal, true, but they're the only way to play slark against bloodseeker. Also, is poorman's really that much better than dual slippers and a circlet (dual wraith bands later)?
LeGentleman (2) | February 8, 2015 12:53pm
Its a nice guide, but personally, I think you forgot what i consider one of the best items slark can purchase. [*]Orchid Malevolence[*] is an extremely powerful tool for Slark, letting him pick off tricky escape heroes with ease, solving all his mana problems, and giving him extra attack speed and damage. Idk, its mostly a personal preference, but i feel its such a strong item on slark that it just needs a mention.

Also, with the recent changes to Pounce i think that Dark Pact is the far superior ability and should consequently be maxed before Pounce, though i definetley agree w/ the lvl 1 Pounce value point.

Just my thoughts. Good guide otherwise. Have a nice day, and i hope you'll consider what ive set before you :)
Master of buttons | February 8, 2015 10:04am
Didn't even notice, thanks
R-Conqueror (24) | January 18, 2015 4:13pm
Woahhhhhh a triple post :D
Master of buttons | January 18, 2015 3:18pm
I don't care for mask on Slark as he doesn't really need the life steal so there are better ways to spend your gold. Orchid is good if your ganging A LOT and they have a Storm spirt or other heavy spell caster. Diffusel is somthing I'm looking into now but I don't think so. Manta can be good if you need to carry slark as well as heart. I will add more skill builds like that soon. Thanks for the +1
Tigerre (4) | December 2, 2014 6:11pm
Great guide. I have a few questions and a couple of suggestions that you can ponder over.
First: What do you think of Orchid Malevolence, Mask of Madness (Not a huge fan myself, but it's an interesting idea), Diffusal Blade, Helm of the Dominator/ Satanic, Manta Style, Heaven's Halberd, Heart of Tarrasque, Shiva's Guard and most other %based mana regen items?
Second: Did you know that Shadow Amulet can be used on allies? I know right, it's so dan good, great way to **** up anyone that wants to take rosh. I've seen people turn games around because they got 5-man big ults. It's insane.
Third: Please add a max Dark Pact first skill build, this one's great if you have a support like Ancient Apparition, Leshrac or any other supports that need some farm and EXP. But Tigerre, why does this work? you may ask, well, it means you can jungle much easier freeing up a lane. This only really works if you're playing a position 1 Slark though...
+1 from me :D
Volucris | November 26, 2014 4:30am
Looks like you have put a lot of effort into this guide and im shocked with the lack of upvotes. When i get home il definetly upvote it :-)
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