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4 Votes

Furion the Master Asshole

June 19, 2014 by Mxknwolf
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connor4893 (2) | June 24, 2014 2:53pm
I notices something else about your build. When going with a split push build, there are times when the enemy team is fast enough that you're constantly at risk. This generally leads to less farm during the mid game and often times Shadow Blade alone won't cut it. You might consider building a Euls as a cheap replacement to the Scythe. It's true that it greatly reduces the amount of damage Prophet can deal to heroes in a fight, but the move speed and tornado work wonders in Prophet's escape from split pushing!

I would recommend some experimentation and perhaps adding it as a situational item.
connor4893 (2) | June 24, 2014 2:49pm
I'm curious about your jungle build and your choice to start with Basilius. It's true that it makes your Trents a little more tanky and it allows you to cast one more time before needing to go home. Regardless, I really don't like this starting build. In my experience, starting with a Gloves of Haste helps to keep your Trents alive by increasing your DPS and helps you get to your Midas much faster. About the one cast that you miss, though, you can pull lane for your carry, generally giving you enough time to regen mana for that last cast.

All in all, starting with Gloves of Haste basically earns you a free 500 gold and effective none of the draw backs of not carrying Basilius.

All this is coming from only slightly over 60 games, but even so, I see strong evidence against Basilius as a starting item.

However, I am curious what others think about this. Please debate/inform me.
devildebil942 (1) | June 24, 2014 8:19am
lovely guide, only thing i would add is that in most situations i would favour a blink dagger over shadow blade becouse peaple are gonna have storm spirits or tinkers or things of that nature that can counter you as you obviously know thanks to your experience and if they have their wits about them they will carry dust makign sb pretty useless

have a lovely day :)
i do love that you mentioned ganking prophet as i think its very much underused and its my number one build with him
aaronc789 | June 23, 2014 9:33pm
100+ games?
FleetAU (16) | June 22, 2014 3:42am
I think you could add some gameplay comments about each guide for example: as ganking furion map awareness and communication with team mates for ganks is key to success blah de blah and a friends and foes section would be great e.g. timbersaw is a real ***** as all his abilities counter your lock down in fact using sprout gives him more damage(he gains pure damage around trees from memory)
Mxknwolf | June 20, 2014 8:06am
MeatWaad wrote:

Very explicative and informative guide, many details "How to play" in every stages of the game and various situations, but you missed some importants parts, like:
    Items explanation, showing priorities between them.
    Friends and foe heroes, a short explanation of what skills / heroes / ultimates that are favorable or not.
    Maybe a brief explanation of every build, wouldn't be bad.

Besides you can always use some of Nature's Prophet - Sprout - Clarity - Dagon, please review Guide formatting and you

Concluding Thoughts this kind of phrases make me smile :)
+1 from me to your dedication.

GL cya!

Gee thanks! Yeah it's my first time writing a guide for any hero, I kind of ran out of things to say, I'll get on that right away! ^_^
MeatWaad (1) | June 20, 2014 7:21am
Very explicative and informative guide, many details "How to play" in every stages of the game and various situations, but you missed some importants parts, like:
    Items explanation, showing priorities between them.
    Friends and foe heroes, a short explanation of what skills / heroes / ultimates that are favorable or not.
    Maybe a brief explanation of every build, wouldn't be bad.

Besides you can always use some of Nature's Prophet - Sprout - Clarity - Dagon, please review Guide formatting and you

Concluding Thoughts this kind of phrases make me smile :)
+1 from me to your dedication.

GL cya!
bwy3 | June 19, 2014 3:41pm
You're right, sorry. I didn't see that distinction.
TheBamtan | June 19, 2014 3:17pm
There are 4 different builds up top. That's the part for the jungler build.
bwy3 | June 19, 2014 2:43pm
How do you get treants in base in the beginning if you take Teleport first?
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