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3 Votes

Brinlee's Meepo Guide

May 26, 2014 by Brinlee
Comments: 7    |    Views: 12349    |   

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Brinlee | August 17, 2014 11:33am
aitashan wrote:

nice guide but what do u mean by "a" in:
select meepos press shift then a and click inside a neutral camp.
ps: i have custom controls so i don't what a is what does it do ty :)

Sorry "A" means attack move like "S" is stop.
aitashan | July 18, 2014 1:31am
nice guide but what do u mean by "a" in:
select meepos press shift then a and click inside a neutral camp.
ps: i have custom controls so i don't what a is what does it do ty :)
mattizie | May 30, 2014 1:55am
I'm sorry, but whilst you do have the core right (blink + aghs), this guide is WAY too short. Also, regarding blink poof: you don't need to poof to the main Meepo, just where your main will be after poof channelling time is finished. So just poof them to where you want to go, not where the main is.

Furthermore, amrlet active damage + attack speed does not affect the other meepos, they only get an extra 25 str, same as reaver. So really, it's just an extra reaver (when active) for 600g cheaper. So it's a rather useless item.

Finally, unless you want the active, go either 2 hearts, or 2 eblades. Don't go one and then the other, as it is outclassed by 2 skadis.
Brinlee | May 27, 2014 9:37am
ElDiablo wrote:

You should explain why to get those items you get and also explain what do Meepos skills do. You really need to explain how meepo is played because here are people who are new to the game and don't know anything about most of the heroes. Doesn't deserve +1,atlesst not yet ;)

will do bro thanks for the feed back every one and thanks for not being to harsh.
CreamDog (2) | May 27, 2014 12:37am
+1 Enjoyed the layout and content of this guide, I also play meepo a lot myself hehe.
ElDiablo (10) | May 26, 2014 11:52pm
You should explain why to get those items you get and also explain what do Meepos skills do. You really need to explain how meepo is played because here are people who are new to the game and don't know anything about most of the heroes. Doesn't deserve +1,atlesst not yet ;)
Krwiozerca (34) | May 26, 2014 3:25pm
Among all of the heroes, Meepo's gameplay should be explained much better than you did. In guide to Meepo players do not only look for item builds, but useful combos, tricks, etc. This is just not too much for such a complex hero.

Hope you will update it soon.
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