I've been searching everywhere but there's a lot of different links and I've tried some but no luck. I'm just worried about downloading a virus or something, you may never know nowadays. So if anyone can comment and give me a legit link i'd love to join the Dota community and try it out, Thanks in advance! (:

Heeeeeeeeeelp Please????
Views: 4011 QweeeeezyI've been searching everywhere but there's a lot of different links and I've tried some but no luck. I'm just worried about downloading a virus or something, you may never know nowadays. So if anyone can comment and give me a legit link i'd love to join the Dota community and try it out, Thanks in advance! (:
sorry, nub alert.
I actually have steam but theres no download link on the Dota 2 page at all. care to show me where it is? yes im new, and im just a LoL player trying to switch things up a bit hehe.
Have you received a beta key?
It appears you aren't very well caught up with dota or dota2, so if you are new try to find a group of players that can show you around and give you some support, coming into dota freshly can be very discouraging. I suggest you watch and learn about before diving in head first.