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9 Votes

FTW Xin, the Ember Spirit [WIP, 6.81]

May 10, 2014 by DzikaPanda
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BrecMadak | August 3, 2014 1:42am
xXRegalXx wrote:

Maxing out flame guard and searing chains before sleight of fist is better than maxing SoF. The damage early game is enormous, and SoF really doesn't do much until mid to late game, when you have a battlefury and daedalus. Ember spirit has a lot of early game potential as a ganker - mid role, and then late game he just sits back in team fights and uses SoF.

Totally this, unless things going in extraordinary way all over. Plus wish you included damage output of x2 BF's, Daedalus and Deso for test. Guide is good and detailed enough otherwise.
DzikaPanda (16) | July 10, 2014 4:00am
xXRegalXx wrote:

Maxing out flame guard and searing chains before sleight of fist is better than maxing SoF. The damage early game is enormous, and SoF really doesn't do much until mid to late game, when you have a battlefury and daedalus. Ember spirit has a lot of early game potential as a ganker - mid role, and then late game he just sits back in team fights and uses SoF.

I think that professional players know better how to build and skill Ember Spirits, and they are using all 3 builds that I listed, most of the time WE build.
xXRegalXx (1) | July 9, 2014 3:52pm
Maxing out flame guard and searing chains before sleight of fist is better than maxing SoF. The damage early game is enormous, and SoF really doesn't do much until mid to late game, when you have a battlefury and daedalus. Ember spirit has a lot of early game potential as a ganker - mid role, and then late game he just sits back in team fights and uses SoF.
Eon_Theory (2) | June 2, 2014 7:28pm
DzikaPanda wrote:

Radiance last as long as you have your Flame Guard on. As I mentioned in guide, flame guard forces you to stay close to your enemies in order to deal damage, while not blocking any physical damage, so no tower dives etc. It have long cooldown, so you can't deal constant damage like when using QW build, and all your damage disappears when 2 maxed nukes hit you (or strong ulti like Mystic Flare or Laguna Blade).

When using QW you have long range initiation, high constant damage, and you can attack enemies even under tower.

However Maxing it early on increases farming potential and is for a Harder Carry and a less aggressive Early Game role.
DzikaPanda (16) | May 7, 2014 4:52pm
brian111 wrote:

Thanks for the time you put into this guide. You've done a lot of good work here.

My only comment is that your item comparisons have the hero (Wraith King) not close enough to proc the battlefurry cleave. Obviously, this is what that item is all about.

Thank you for comment.

About my wrath king test - in case they were close enough to cleave, nearly all builds had 1-hit rampage, so I feel that's not necessary to do other tests than in max spread.
brian111 | May 7, 2014 12:44pm
Thanks for the time you put into this guide. You've done a lot of good work here.

My only comment is that your item comparisons have the hero (Wraith King) not close enough to proc the battlefurry cleave. Obviously, this is what that item is all about.
DzikaPanda (16) | May 6, 2014 12:49pm
Allegiance wrote:

+1 nice, detailed guide!
maybe you should add, that Cleave is not 100% reliable on SoF, since Ember attacks from a random angle during SoF. Most players don't know that, but it is definetaly sth you need to keep in mind.

Thank you for this suggestion and +1 :>
Allegiance (9) | May 6, 2014 7:44am
+1 nice, detailed guide!
maybe you should add, that Cleave is not 100% reliable on SoF, since Ember attacks from a random angle during SoF. Most players don't know that, but it is definetaly sth you need to keep in mind.
DzikaPanda (16) | May 5, 2014 7:40am
sulaxrox wrote:

Also I'm missng something or you didn't put BKB up there, I'd say linkens if you're against heroes like doom, but bkb pays for itself, because in between sleight of fists you can still be nuked down.

BKB and Linken's depends mainly on your and enemy team composition. If enemies initiate with blink dagger, then you can disable them with sleight and keep at pretty much safe distance from team fight, where slark or qop will just get to you anyway, and that's when you want to get BKB. I like linkens more, because I'm often playing against heroes like doom, bane or pudge where it's a must, it also gives more stats and hp/mana regen, so helps stay out of fountain longer.

sulaxrox wrote:

Battlefury tends to be IMO an item that's timing depends on how the game is going, I've been successful with going strictly for damage items other than bfury early on if the lanes are getting wrecked.

That's what I'm suggesting in my guide, just saying that BF and daedalus are core that allow you to unlock full potential of hero, but my general build that I'm using is desolator > daedalus > battle fury.

sulaxrox wrote:

Pits inefficient to max flame guard after the nerfs rather than maxing sleight and chains first, where in almost all situations you will need the damage.

Also 2 first builds are using max QW build, cause it's more rewarding in my opinion. I just included both builds (QW and WE) cause both are viable, especially if enemies can't burst your shield down.

Also about Drums after Phase, generally when I'm on ez lane I prefer bracer into brown boots into drums, just to have more mana to spam sleight and chains.
sulaxrox (6) | May 5, 2014 5:00am
I agree with the build, but I generally emphasize drums after phase. Battlefury tends to be IMO an item that's timing depends on how the game is going, I've been successful with going strictly for damage items other than bfury early on if the lanes are getting wrecked. Mjolnir and daedelus are great mid game boosts because of the armor reduction, and lightning procs with sleight, add in a daedelus after. Pits inefficient to max flame guard after the nerfs rather than maxing sleight and chains first, where in almost all situations you will need the damage. Also I'm missng something or you didn't put BKB up there, I'd say linkens if you're against heroes like doom, but bkb pays for itself, because in between sleight of fists you can still be nuked down.
DzikaPanda (16) | May 4, 2014 7:52am
GGnet.Ace wrote:

Dude I dont understand why you dont max your Flame Guard early on ... I dont disagree that all ember skills are useful but basicly you have a free radiance and spell block.

Radiance last as long as you have your Flame Guard on. As I mentioned in guide, flame guard forces you to stay close to your enemies in order to deal damage, while not blocking any physical damage, so no tower dives etc. It have long cooldown, so you can't deal constant damage like when using QW build, and all your damage disappears when 2 maxed nukes hit you (or strong ulti like Mystic Flare or Laguna Blade).

When using QW you have long range initiation, high constant damage, and you can attack enemies even under tower.
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