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A guide to Ability Draft

February 3, 2014 by spare145
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jeffrocz | July 29, 2018 10:51pm
Have you ever played Ability Draft and just stayed in base camp and keep on killing the enemy?
Please check this out, another awesome draft ! ! !
Silencer | June 4, 2015 12:53am
Another cool build is all tanky passives and pugnas ult. You get aghs and then just lifesteal and tank until they die. :)
justin2012 | November 4, 2014 1:15pm

New blog about dota 2 ability draft, new combo and guides coming everyday.

thanks for the support.
Onin | August 25, 2014 12:57pm
Essence shift (Slark's ability that steals stats) is awesome on ranged agility heroes. It is so good that you have to take it if it is there and the enemy has a ranged agil hero picking next.

Focus Fire (WR's Ult) is great on a lot of heroes and combines extremely well with all sorts of abilities. Including essence shift.

Tiny's growth is one of those great abilities that should always go fast.

Invisibility spell combos are always worth considering even if it is just for positioning or survival. Teleport/blink spells are really good for this reason too. For example invisibility and shackles or ravage or echo slam or hook or whatever else you can think of. If an invisibility spell is on the table just take it unless there is a major reason not to.

DK's dragon form increases the range on ranged heroes too which can be ridiculously powerful.
Treutreu (1) | June 12, 2014 11:51am
Skywrath Mage and Clinkz don't really have bad stat gains, even though they are quite squishy. SM has 3.6 INT per level, second highest in the game, and Clinkz has a very good 3 AGI per level.
Nazsmith | March 16, 2014 10:06am
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Juxtapose, Phantom Edge and Multishot sound good to me.
halmato | March 14, 2014 4:34pm
Try giving Divided we stand with Quill Spray. The stack triggers from all your different copies' Spray. 700 damage from one set of quill sprays (Assuming you 5 copies. You won't have any problems getting Scepter), and 1450 damage from the second volley of QS.
Try Divided we Stand with Shallow Grave as well...pretty funny.

Basically, if you have divided we stand, you should win.
arcdash | March 9, 2014 5:38am
I'd argue that Divided We Stand goes up with Teleport in God Tier, since it seems to win games.
Omega-P | February 26, 2014 11:27pm
Fiery Soul no longer works with toggle abilities, so that's become redundant after the recent patch, however I'm guessing it still works in conjunction with ball lightning. Just unfortunately not with voodoo restoration or other toggles :(
gravitygroove | February 19, 2014 4:14am
fury swipes and ranged anything breaks the game, it's a combo to think about.
stonbrau | February 17, 2014 1:38pm
You should put Liquid Fire in the Tier 1 abilities list. It damages towers even if said tower is fortified! It costs NO Mana, and recharges quickly at level 3 and 4. If you get this as a melee, you can push for extended periods of time.
Chef Excellence | February 6, 2014 8:57am
You should include alchemist in the list of bad heroes. He has the lowest overall stat growth in the game.
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