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42 Votes

Ostarion, the Wraith King of Ballers

December 22, 2014 by Northfield
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The hooded man | July 22, 2015 6:43pm
this build is all you need to be the top baller in every game, even outcarried troll warlord..
Streemz | July 4, 2015 7:50pm
Best guide ever. First game Wraith King 21/10/28
Zapjack | February 26, 2015 11:47pm
i love this guide!

i follow the same item build. only once i tried taking sage's mask for quick regen start game when I'm trying get a kill with a ranged hero. it works wonders as the mana for your blast comes back in under 30~ seconds (starting from zero).

after i get a kill or two, i take the belt of strength and then treads.

After treads, get belt of strength again and increase base damage.

depending on whether i can farm or I'm getting ganked upon i keep my options open to buy a skull bash OR sange. Both work in my favour as they increase base damage. and add attack damage. and considerable amount of HP gain.

anyway, after I'm done with these, i buy the armlet and then toggle it when i hit half my HP for unholy strength making me tankier against towers or heroes.

the rest is obvious after an armlet. Radiance, Deso, satanic, refresher whatever you want to add damage.

i usually stop at armlet and don't find any need for other times (really coz MOST of the time it's almost over - this depends on your team and how you farm as i always play with a ranged disabler - maybe I'm spoiled :p)

PS: i roam a lot and switch to intellitreads for mana regen as i stun a lot.
Zapjack | February 26, 2015 11:47pm
i love this guide!

i follow the same item build. only once i tried taking sage's mask for quick region start game when I'm trying get a kill with a ranged hero. it works wonders as the mana for your blast comes back in under 30~ seconds (starting from zero).

after a get a kill or two, i take the belt of strength and then treads.

After treads, get belt of strength again and increase base damage.

depending on whether i can farm or I'm getting ganged upon i keep my options open to buy a skull bash OR sange. Both work in my favour as they increase base damage. and add attack damage. and considerable amount of HP gain.

anyway, after I'm done with these, i buy the armlet and then toggle it when i hit half my HP for unholy strength making me tanker against towers or heroes.

the rest is obvious after an armlet. Radiance, Deso, satanic, refresher whatever you want to add damage.

i usually stop at armlet and don't find any need for other times (really coz MOST of the time it's almost over - this depends on your team and how you farm as i always play with a ranged disabler - maybe I'm spoiled :p)

PS: i roam a lot and switch to intellitreads for mana region as i stun a lot.
Noob King | August 17, 2014 8:26pm
About Tank Build,
I don't like Armlet, think about gold spend and what you get. 2600 gold of Armlet you can buy 2 of Orge Club and 1 Belt of Giant Strength(26 STR). And 1 Orge Club can upgrade to Sange&Yasha and another one upgade to BKB! but Armlet not. Even Armlet give +5 Armor +7 regenerate +9 ATK and 15 ATK Speed but it's not meaning when you come to the fight because you can reborn once. If you don't buy Armlet, you will complete Sange&Yasha and BKB faster.

About Game Play,
Think how your opponent fight to Wraith King. A lot of game I played, I fould opponent will attack mana pool(Destroyer, Lion, Silencer, KOL etc.). What will you do? My do is Power tread -> 3 Ultimate Orb -> Eye of Skadi -> Manta. After these 3 items the Wraith King hard to stop and you have 3 slot for other item.

I don't think my skill is perfect. I just share my experience. I like this HERO.
sh33p | August 5, 2014 1:30pm
I've been playing dota2 for less than a week; lots of these guides seem out of date but the site has still been a great resource. I finally had to actually make an account because this guide made my day and I wanted to upvote it; to the point, easy to understand, and funny. Thanks.
Glayzer | April 21, 2014 3:48am
Typical pub gamer build. Completely unusable in high-tier games. Not leveling aura till level 13 means you contribute NOTHING towards your team in the early game. Even one level early on makes a huge difference in team fights.
deirdre | March 15, 2014 12:33pm
Nice guide, +1
Demus | January 4, 2014 6:17pm
Hyouka wrote:

Why is everyone gushing about this guide? I've read this guide like three times before this guy copied it, just like the others. I read this back when CAPS LOCK LEORIC was ballin all over Warcraft III...

Pretty much what he said:
oldest record i can find of it, but pretty sure it's been around for quite a bit longer than that
Hyouka | December 27, 2013 10:54am
Why is everyone gushing about this guide? I've read this guide like three times before this guy copied it, just like the others. I read this back when CAPS LOCK LEORIC was ballin all over Warcraft III...
Rudd (3) | December 22, 2013 1:19am
In the words of SingSing: For rrealzz? Serrius?
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