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41 Votes

Support-Killer (6.84 Update, Laning and Supporting) - A Guide to Tresdin

May 3, 2015 by Yasutsuna
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eeon (6) | August 4, 2015 11:27am
wow, i m late.. hey, great guide +1. just one question.. I mean I ve read the reasoning but still:

Why Phase Boots over Power Treads?

I believe that attack speed is more important on Tresdin because you get a lot of damage from winning DUELS(with 2 good duels you cover the damage from Phase Boots). The bonus movement speed is irrelevant because with just one point in Overwhelming Odds you get the same or even more ms (if you hit 2 heroes or at least one hero and 2 creeps which is pretty easy), not to mention that the duration is double and the phasing through units thing is pretty much pointless once you have Blink or SB.
Also you can tread switch to INT when casting spells to save some mana (you know you need it) - I personally like to build Vlads for mana regen and armor for the team..the lifesteal is ok too even though you don t really need it.

And you haven t said anything about Mjollnir, it is a really good item for LC, you get a lot of attack speed and in Duel the enemy(ies) is(are) forced to hit you so guarantied lightning which is always nice.

Zrog (1) | November 10, 2014 9:19am
Your support LC items should include a Blade Mail - great for initiating against glass-cannon carries.
Beezleboss (2) | September 16, 2014 10:56am
Something you might want to add to your guide is that legion commander's Duel is a mute, which means that many of the abilities you listed as dangerous, would actually be better duels, example Phantom Assassin's Coupe De Grace which will be disabled, the same is true for evasion, bashes, Borrowed Time, Backtrack, and most passives. This might be some examples you could use to showcase Dual's real value as one of the best disables in the game.
Yasutsuna (51) | July 17, 2014 4:13pm
Megidrus wrote:

actually a Heaven's Halberd would be perfect because the active can really swing Duel's in your favor

The most popular way to counter Legion Commander nowadays is to travel with other people. While Heaven's Halberd turns Duels into your favour, you also need to realize that other people will most likely try to forcefully remove you from combat using stuns. So, personally, unless you're doing that great, I would always buy Black King Bar before Heaven's Halberd.
Megidrus | July 16, 2014 2:49pm
actually a Heaven's Halberd would be perfect because the active can really swing Duel's in your favor
Yasutsuna (51) | June 24, 2014 10:29pm

You should really add a section about Duel and it´s mute effect (it´s technically a doom with exceptions). Duel hardcounters PA for example as Blur and her Ult are disabled. Someone already posted a link to dota wiki there are all informations about it.

And I think that LC is better on a lane than in the Jungle. Her Overwhelming Odds is just too good in early teamfights. You get at least 50% hp from squishy heroes if you hit all 5 + some creeps. And her passive can be maxed out later in my opinion.

Agreed, her jungling now is **** thanks to the patch. Frankly, her Overwhelming Odds, as you said, is good and can also be used to harass, (if they stand so close together, they're asking for it). To be honest, I rarely play her in jungle these days.

About the muting effect, I can see why it is important. Give me a little bit time, I will paste those information in. Thanks for telling me!
The-Only-Chris | June 24, 2014 7:51pm
You should really add a section about Duel and it´s mute effect (it´s technically a doom with exceptions). Duel hardcounters PA for example as Blur and her Ult are disabled. Someone already posted a link to dota wiki there are all informations about it.

And I think that LC is better on a lane than in the Jungle. Her Overwhelming Odds is just too good in early teamfights. You get at least 50% hp from squishy heroes if you hit all 5 + some creeps. And her passive can be maxed out later in my opinion.
ReAlChemist (2) | June 5, 2014 11:23pm
malinda2nd wrote:

i need sugest.
My LC make:
1. ring of basilus -> ring of aquila (i think LC need armor and mana regen)
2. phase boots (need demage than aspd couse LC have skill 2)
3. Armlet of Mordiggian
4. shadow blade

but in late game i sell ring of aquila and make Taras. so Armlet of Mordiggian always on.
are that good for Legion commander?

1. Ring of Basi is fine, but its not worth upgrading to aquila. Leave it as a casual basi, or dissasemble to use the mask to build something else (eg. medallion)

2. Phase Boots are fine. Treads also work. It comes down to what you need in the game and what you are trying to do. Much of the reason you get Phase is not for the damage, but to gap close with high MS.

3. Armlet is fine. Gives LC armor, HP, damage, AS. What's not to like?

4. Don't get shadow blade after phase+armlet. There are of course exceptions, but unless you are being fed hard, this will come very late in the game. At this point, go for fighting items.

5. Tarrasque isn't that great on LC, there are almost always better items.
malinda2nd | June 3, 2014 1:14pm
i need sugest.
My LC make:
1. ring of basilus -> ring of aquila (i think LC need armor and mana regen)
2. phase boots (need demage than aspd couse LC have skill 2)
3. Armlet of Mordiggian
4. shadow blade

but in late game i sell ring of aquila and make Taras. so Armlet of Mordiggian always on.
are that good for Legion commander?
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