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4 Votes

TurKAdaM's Comprehensive and Well-rounded Invoker Guide To Learners>Mediocre Players>Expert Players

February 8, 2014 by TurKAdaM
Comments: 9    |    Views: 26408    |   

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Minwan1 | June 21, 2014 6:54pm
Invoker can carry gem too as he is so hard to kill.
TurKAdaM | December 1, 2013 11:59am
kaanbanned wrote:

Awesome guide. Ty

Thank you too my friend !!!
TurKAdaM | December 1, 2013 11:07am
Every game*
TurKAdaM | December 1, 2013 6:51am
I don't count OD as a legit enemy beneath high int heroes like zeus,pugna,windrunner, and a exort-based invoker and that will be 2+2,7 intelligence every level(except one quas and one wex). Like I said in the guide it's situational. Adapt to the situation in every games.
samukobo (28) | December 1, 2013 6:20am
TurKAdaM wrote:

We can't count OD as a legit enemy.

Maybe Grimorum's mana drain guide but not my guide.

But OD makes leveling and farming on mid lane a living hell for Invoker, especially QW invos. You'll be trying to last hit with like 20 damage. (while failing of course)
TurKAdaM | December 1, 2013 4:35am
We can't count OD as a legit enemy.

Maybe Grimorum's mana drain guide but not my guide.
wallensteiN (1) | December 1, 2013 4:07am
outworld devourer isn't an enemy. right?
kaanbanned | November 30, 2013 2:15pm
Awesome guide. Ty
TurKAdaM | November 30, 2013 8:21am
I'm about to adjust the settings, I had minor problems sorry about that :).
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