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44 Votes

Clockwerk - 9502 miles range initiator!

May 9, 2012 by Konsume
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FurnoXL | June 18, 2015 11:45am
I usually take a blade mail for him when cog i turn bm on and it will be great, they will not hit you but if they do it will make you kill him faster
EvilDevil06 | December 1, 2013 6:36am
I usually start with 1 point on the cogs just to be safe and after that I put 1 point to the Battery assault so you can set up easy kills.
Karnosiris | October 29, 2013 3:22am
I play Clock as a utility ganker/initiator and usually go for the hardlane (if you get a partner with a ranged disable it's a guaranteed RQ).
You don't really need a lot of farm on him to be extremely annoying in early and mid.
I usually aim for boots + bottle + bracer and i'm set for early game. After this i turn my boots into tranquils: can't ignore +85 ms since 6.79 which is fantastic for chasing/positioning and synergises well with battery assault.
After this i start working on my aghs, which is a core item, no matter what the situation is.
Assuming i haven't been horrible and my team is fairly decent, transitioning into mid game i usually go for blade mail in standard matches. BUT
If they have a really annoying escaper (AM, Storm) i go for orchid which will pretty much shut them down from then on.
If they have some hard rightclicker (who doesn't have BKB) i go for heaven's halberd, which prevents them from attacking for 5 seconds and also gives you evasion and extra tankyness.

After these items, go crazy. Heart, battlefury, cuirass, you're a cog in a candystore.

BUT all this relies heavily on your ability to land good hookshots (there's nothing like getting the last hit from 3000 range on a fleeing invisible dude that thought he was safe).
AND try not to get your allies stuck in cogs so they may be fed (if this happens and you sense danger, open a path - even if this means letting the enemy escape).

That's about it.
thundereater | September 22, 2013 2:32pm
set the power cog behind enemies tower, then your team can destroy it comfortably. Its fun, I always do this, haha
Hutska35 (1) | July 4, 2013 3:58pm
phase boots instead of arcane boots? Even with the arc boots you can have mana problems. Also who needs a speed bonus when you have cogs and a 2000 ranged hook at lvl 6?
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 18, 2013 7:09pm
True Venom wrote:

I think its not a counter to shadow fiend because if you hookshot and power cogs,shadow fiend would use his ulti and since youre so near to him it will do a lot of damage to clockwerk and he can just raze you to your death after that.

Ahem Ahem...ever played dota my friend?
Each and every spell sf has requires a casting animation. Battery Assault is so deadly to sf, if you try casting anything you would just breakdance to death
waffl3x (2) | May 18, 2013 6:55pm
True Venom wrote:

I think its not a counter to shadow fiend because if you hookshot and power cogs,shadow fiend would use his ulti and since youre so near to him it will do a lot of damage to clockwerk and he can just raze you to your death after that.

What? Can you maybe read the comments just a bit before yours? You make yourself look stupid.
True Venom | March 14, 2013 5:39pm
I think its not a counter to shadow fiend because if you hookshot and power cogs,shadow fiend would use his ulti and since youre so near to him it will do a lot of damage to clockwerk and he can just raze you to your death after that.
Biwinning1 | February 18, 2013 1:41pm
I prefer getting soul ring early on as it allows me to hookshot at level 1 if I don't have enough mana
Personal preference
Good guide +1
fangsyifu | December 12, 2012 10:31am
See, I played clockwerk few couple times in single draft and the radiance is a good option for the hero, but I feel that if you build a skull basher and then abyssal blade, you'd get more damage and strength bonus.

However the Aoe on the radiance is p.nice. Its all by prefrences.
xxblackxxrosexx | December 5, 2012 1:28am
Great guide,+1!
Note that you haven't mentioned Dagger in the item build but yet you have written "(to get your dagger asap)" in the 'How to Initiate' section.(#4) Also, Quelling Blade is not a 'noobish' item because that the extra damage% against creep is a huge advantage(better last hits means you can deny more). Plus sometimes its a great ganking/juking tool.
Nubtrain (58) | November 7, 2012 3:48pm
Atlas wrote:

Well, Shadow Fiend cant cast his ulti when he is being mini-stunned by Clock's Assault Battery, and he may not even be able to use his Shadow Raze, but I'd need to check on that.

If you don't have BKB, battery assault stops SF from casting any spell, anyone who gets caught by clock needs to immediately break out of cogs if casted. Unless you're a super-farmed SF then just right-click 'em to death
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