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48 Votes


June 5, 2012 by Vexxed
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HimuraBattosai | October 7, 2012 7:58pm
Have to agree with all i see in this guide. Great job.
bloodsuckern | August 14, 2012 1:27pm
This is so wrong. Mana is your biggest issue. your Q and E sync perfectly with Soul ring. always get that recipe at the start so that you can be ready to purchase the prerequisites at the side-lanes. If you play mid this may not be necessary seeing as you still have to use the Ferry to bring the items over. Once you have the soulring you could be enjoying a 7hp/sec+ soulring flamebursting anal painedenemy lane. Stay fresh.
Raptros | July 24, 2012 1:08pm
I like this guide but why no soul ring :o ?
Sentinel#248175 | June 28, 2012 7:49am
Nice guide.

I like your skill build, I've just started using DK but I think you've got it absolutely right with blood before fire - the mana cost is just too high.

I'm not so sure about armlet on him, and I'd say BKB is always situational - if they don't have any serious disablers, put an extra 400 gold into buying SnY instead for much better return!

I just had 2 very successful games with:
Treads -> Bracer -> HotD -> AC -> SnY

(and yes, I can see the second skill build, though I prefer the first!)
Vexxed (3) | June 5, 2012 5:13am
Can anyone confirm that you can see the second skill build?
Reed (3) | June 4, 2012 2:41pm
Burma Jones wrote:

As long as the stun time may be, it's pretty useless for a squishy melee hero to go around trying to disable people. And the only time it'd ever get you out of a bad situation is against some stupidly aggressive melee character. You're useless against any ranged hero that knows what they're doing without Breathe Fire. Anybody with half a brain would just ruin your game right from the start since you have no lane presence without any real damage or range and thus are forced out of last hits. No one is going to run from you any way, Dragon Knight is a WEAK starter. Also, to say that Dragon Tail is a ranged stun once you get your ultimate is incredibly misleading. It's a slight increase over the original range, which is enough to make it look and feel like melee with your increased character model in dragon form. Moreover, what damage are you even going to deal to them at level 6? You have no points in Breathe Fire, the stun has no real damage component and your auto-attacks still suck. It's like you haven't even played your own build. How do you have any lane presence with DK if you have NO damage to threaten anyone with? When you move so slowly and are forced into melee range to achieve ALL of your last hits or hurt any enemy heroes? Did you test this out against easy-difficulty bots...?

I think you misunderstand what the OP is saying. As I'm reading it anyway, he's saying that you should always get a level of dragon tail early (level 1). I think that given most pub situations that is probably pretty accurate, seeing as how the stun is very long at level 1 and is very useful for securing kills for an early bloodlust. Unless you are solo mid, are running a trilane and already have enough crowd control, or are playing a passive lane then a level of dragon tail at lvl 1 is better than any other skill.

However, as you point out, dragon tail has diminishing returns past level 1. The skill build also indicates this.
rEALLYnOOB | May 27, 2012 9:52am
Burma Jones wrote:

As long as the stun time may be, it's pretty useless for a squishy melee hero to go around trying to disable people. And the only time it'd ever get you out of a bad situation is against some stupidly aggressive melee character. You're useless against any ranged hero that knows what they're doing without Breathe Fire. Anybody with half a brain would just ruin your game right from the start since you have no lane presence without any real damage or range and thus are forced out of last hits. No one is going to run from you any way, Dragon Knight is a WEAK starter. Also, to say that Dragon Tail is a ranged stun once you get your ultimate is incredibly misleading. It's a slight increase over the original range, which is enough to make it look and feel like melee with your increased character model in dragon form. Moreover, what damage are you even going to deal to them at level 6? You have no points in Breathe Fire, the stun has no real damage component and your auto-attacks still suck. It's like you haven't even played your own build. How do you have any lane presence with DK if you have NO damage to threaten anyone with? When you move so slowly and are forced into melee range to achieve ALL of your last hits or hurt any enemy heroes? Did you test this out against easy-difficulty bots...?

I gotta a few questions to ask:P

Firstly, how is DK squishy? If you levelled dragon's blood adequately, u have enuff armor such that u r basically getting tickled when people harass you. Add the hp regen and u have practically no reason to use a hp regen consumable again unless u get nuked.

Secondly, 400 range is not a slight increase from 150. Its more than twice the range and that extra range goes a long way in team fights where u cant juz hop into the middle and hope to survive.

Thirdly, Breathe Fire doesn't give you lane presence for long. Use it one or two times and ur practically mana dry for the next 30 secs. IF the guy had any brains, he would harass u continually after ur Breath Fire cos u have no regen, no armor and no mana. However, sometimes Breathe Fire does give you an advantage, especially when ur abt to gank someone. But from personal experience, Dragon's Blood seems to work better for me.

And the last sentence is quite redundant, pls keep ur comments constructive...
Mullins | April 18, 2012 3:52pm
Nice guide, max Dragon blood worked just fine.
Burma Jones (7) | March 13, 2012 7:59pm
As long as the stun time may be, it's pretty useless for a squishy melee hero to go around trying to disable people. And the only time it'd ever get you out of a bad situation is against some stupidly aggressive melee character. You're useless against any ranged hero that knows what they're doing without Breathe Fire. Anybody with half a brain would just ruin your game right from the start since you have no lane presence without any real damage or range and thus are forced out of last hits. No one is going to run from you any way, Dragon Knight is a WEAK starter. Also, to say that Dragon Tail is a ranged stun once you get your ultimate is incredibly misleading. It's a slight increase over the original range, which is enough to make it look and feel like melee with your increased character model in dragon form. Moreover, what damage are you even going to deal to them at level 6? You have no points in Breathe Fire, the stun has no real damage component and your auto-attacks still suck. It's like you haven't even played your own build. How do you have any lane presence with DK if you have NO damage to threaten anyone with? When you move so slowly and are forced into melee range to achieve ALL of your last hits or hurt any enemy heroes? Did you test this out against easy-difficulty bots...?
Iratesniper (5) | March 12, 2012 6:54pm
great guide, worked wounder +1
SvenBalls (1) | March 10, 2012 4:46pm
Your guide is is written pretty well. You could add some pictures or colors instead of just reading a wall of text. I prefer maxing out breathe fire over dragon blood mostly because without the damage you aren't anything but a walking ultimate, the armOr bonus is great but you won't really need until it is mid game when physical damage carries start doing some damage. Also, armlet is a really good item on dragon knight, combined with the life steal from helm of the dominator you can sustain yourself while dealing really good damage. Anyways, the guide is very good and I hope to see more guides from you. Good luck with any future guides!
Atlas (117) | March 8, 2012 3:12pm
You won't do damage early but kills aren't your goal early on, it's farm. When you have farmed enough for armlet your auto-attacks suddenly hurt like hell. Breathe Fire is situational, if your lane is easy and you are taking no harass, it should be leveled. If you are having to contend for farm at all you should get blood.
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