August 12, 2013
Please help. I know, I am good... but, I suck.
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Today, I played 3 games as carries and my team carried my *** to the finish line. I have carried fine before. It's like, I am getting worse. Anyone have any tips on how to not get so so stressed over a bad game? I played
Chaos Knight and fed. It started with me trying to save our carry who was kept on initiating at horrible times. He was playing
Huskar and thought he was immortal. I went 0/8/11 that game. I only died in team fights trying to save our carry. As the night went on it became more and more my fault. I couldn't shake the bad feeling, I got from one game. Does anyone else get this? If so how do you treat it?
2. This not only will make your skills worsen but also will give you stress.
3. Watching pro Live game or replay or VODS will help improve your skills as well as reduce the stress.
4. The other way is playing with practice intention. It is like "i don't care with my win rate, or to win the game, I will just enjoy and experiment it". This feeling alone will not help, your must do the practice with it. For example you are practice a carry, add something like "I will make sure my creep status for at least 100 before 20th mintues and I will practice how to improve my time". Even though you lost the game but you achieve your goal, you will have a little bit happiness and at the same time improving your skills.
Here's how to shake those in a few easy steps:
1. Get into low priority matchmaking
2. Select Russian region
3. Put game setting to random draft
4. Hard carry with whatever you get
5. Have some fun
Russian Roulette, the sport of winners.
100% of the time for me at least I lose that streak since my mindset is changed from being annoyed/agitated to being chill.
Or just pick Pudge and have fun, works for me :)
Most of the time its yourself going on tilt and just going downhill each game because of specific emotions toward losing the previous game, then the next game, and so on. You just need to calm down, analyzing your plays right away might just make you even more distraught.
... The list stretches on. However, instead of crying about it, just watch a replay and see what went wrong. No player will always have a smooth game. Sometimes you win sometimes you lost. When you watch the replay, try to mend your mistakes. Stop always blaming others (even though they are at fault), when you play in pubs, everybody wants to carry and nobody wants to support.
Another suggestion is you can gather a small group of friends to play with. Normally your friends are more willing to listen to what you have to say than completely defying you.
Now, back to your example of Chaos Knight and Huskar. Sometimes, people makes mistake. At yours, it would seem that Huskar jumps in and nearly gets himself kill. Here, you have a judgement to call upon yourself. Whether to save him or not, yes?
If he is your main carry and you are already underfed, it is better the enemies kill you instead of killing it because the amount of gold to one carry is important. If you know you did a noble and right thing, why blame yourself? Some pub players might not see why you did that but there is sure someone that appreciates your effort. So, don't worry about it and just have fun, like you should in every game!