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4 Votes

Nature's Prophet Banging on your Door

August 12, 2013 by CMAC85
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Mirror (22) | August 14, 2013 1:57pm
I guess I agree with the fast Midas since bulldog bought one every game in ti3. Using it on big creeps is a good way to catch up in exp if the early game is rough. Also, Sando is right (like usual) about sheep stick over orchid.

As for the skill build you will not need the last point in your e. Your other abilities scale really well with skill points so early level four in call is kind of a waste.

The skill build I prefer is: e,q,e,w,e,r,w,w,w,w,r,q,q,q,s,r

Level two teleport gives you little utility if you are in the jungle. You can't gank without tree ring and you should not need to go home to heal that early.
thippo (10) | August 13, 2013 9:31am
If you're basing this on split pushing, why is there no Desolator, Assault Cuirass, or Vladmir's Offering?
CMAC85 | August 13, 2013 7:11am
I replaced the basillus with the gloves of haste for midas rush which depending on the game can put you far ahead. I agree that sprout is very dependent on the game and can be super useful for early ganks both setting up and preventing them. The reason I like the Malevolence so much is because of the silence and damage increase especially when you can teleport in behind/in front of someone split pushing shadow blade up and then silence them sprout and absolutely wreck them. After re-examining I agree the butterfly isn't as good of pick up as other items and have removed it.

Thanks for all the feedback like I said it's my first guide and hopefully as I gain more experience with NP I can modify update this as necessary but I truly enjoy this character and as many of you know the flexibility/versatility he provides for pushing/ganking/being a thorn in the enemy's side throughout the entire game.
Sando (118) | August 13, 2013 2:08am
I guess/hope you're describing one way of playing Nature's Prophet rather than saying you play this way every game with him - this strat is very reliant on your team being able to hold their lanes without you, the enemy not having a hard carry or push/gank strat. Many Prophets will try and get involved in ganks, pushes and courier snipes. Would have to agree you have to put at least 1 level into Sprout earlier, you can't assume you never want to gank or will need to escape a gank.

Orchid Malevolence shouldn't be core - you'll want that or Scythe of Vyse depending on the situation. Don't really get the Butterfly pickup at all.
Ancient Hero (17) | August 13, 2013 1:51am
You want an early level in sprout incase there are easy ganks availible and I prefer to get gloves of haste fora midas rush. Also you should add a desolator (for pushing) anda necro book as well to his list of items.
Yasutsuna (51) | August 13, 2013 12:57am
Hand of Midas should not be a core on Nature's Prophet. It might give you the advantage but you need to get it between a set of time, which is ~8 minutes.
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