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A Death Knights Guide to Snowballin' (with replays)

July 22, 2013 by Kingkiron
Comments: 5    |    Views: 22771    |   

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Kingkiron | July 22, 2013 5:30pm
They work for me still, you must have DOTA installed.
PepeuSlayer | July 16, 2013 7:58pm
The links are not openning :/
Kingkiron | July 16, 2013 4:32pm
Coil first is there to conserve mana, its not mandatory. Some games I switch it up depending on what I am going against. The reason I max coil last is because there's never a reason to use it. Abaddon doesn't have a huge mana pool. And dealing 250 damage is not worth it when it means another shield could of been cast. He can't support the mana spent till about level 13 at the earliest. I understand you prefer him support but he's a versatile hero and I'm just presenting another playstyle for him.

@Supernova-sin I also like MoM but there's another guide that does it, possibly two on here. Trying to just show another way of playing him. Thanks for feedback.
NumbSchiller | July 16, 2013 8:28am
I really dont see how Abaddon can go toe to toe with the hardest of carries...
As well as I dont see the Reason to skill Coil first. Shield lv11 is in 90% of time more usefull.
Maxing the aura before Coil isnt good too. The Aura might be good early on and you might get some kills with it but Coil looses massive potential in late game. 250dmg (every 5s!) and heal early on are huge.
As you can see I really dont like Abaddon as a semicarry. In my opinion he is a support and a pretty nice one.
SuperNova-Sin | July 16, 2013 6:23am
first off, neat guide. its good that you have found a style that works for you and took the time to share. however we all have different playstyle so i'd offer some optional item choices for you to try, who knows maybe you will prefer some, maybe not. anyhow here they are.

so i can easily see why you chose your vlads, it makes alot of sense and who doesnt like an aura ? but i think you should try out Mask of Madness, it gives you everything you will want for ganking- movespeed,attack speed to stack with your passive and the 30% extra damage works well for your ult as you will then recieve 30% extra heal. another item to replace vlads for the jungling function is the Armlet. i usually rush it first to provide more early game tank, it also provides extra health in case you need those extra few seconds for your ult and it also synergises with MoM and your passive to give you alot of attack speed. thus proc-ing your stun more often.

i totally agree with all your situationals and would maybe add in a hood of defiance for when the enemy team has a lina or lion, it will stop those ults from breaking yours and killing you before you hit the 400HP mark.

Anyhow solid build happy gaming
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